View Full Version : My massive symptoms list

18-01-14, 11:11
I've posted this on another health anxiety site, but I wanted to post it here as well to see if anyone else can relate. I want to believe that this is all due to anxiety, but I just can't. I feel like something is seriously wrong with me. Most of the symptoms aren't constant and some have only happened once or twice, but I've never heard of anxiety causing all of these symptoms before. Can it really just be anxiety? I do have moments where I feel relatively normal.

Itching all over my body
Numbness all over my body
Tingling all over my body
Burning all over my body
A prickling sensation all over my body
A buzzing sensation in my hand
A wet, cold sensation on my thigh
A sensation of cold wind blowing against my skin
Feeling like strands of hair are touching my skin
Flushed skin
Muscle spasms
Muscle weakness
Muscle stiffness
Shooting muscle pain
Tight facial muscles
Soles of my feet feel tight
Odd feeling of pressure against skin
Joint pain
Dry eyes
A gritty feeling in my eyes
A burning sensation in my eyes
Jolts of pain in the back of my eyes
An increase in eye floaters
Transient fuzzy spots in vision
Transient misting of vision
Slightly blurred vision
Flashes of light while eyes are closed
Transient flashes of light in vision
Transient scurrying black dots in vision
Glare in vision that isn't from my glasses
Hot flashes
Dull ache in head
Shooting pain in head ("ice pick headaches")
Restless legs while lying down
Urinary incontinence
Fleeting discomfort on the roof of my mouth
Hair loss
Stuffy feeling in ears
Strange body odor that comes and goes
Feeling like my hand muscles are "loose"
Urinary urgency

18-01-14, 11:48
I would say all of that is pretty normal with anxiety,the thing bothering me is the constant burning body feeling and stinging tired eyes...all these symptoms are a just reminder that you are sick with anxiety.

18-01-14, 11:51
Its anxiety.

18-01-14, 13:21

18-01-14, 13:35
i have every one of those symptoms & more and i've been told by 5 doctors that it's anxiety although no MRI has been performed, i'm similar in terms of struggling to believe anxiety can cause all the symptoms but the doctors seem to think it can. How frequent are your headaches & dizziness?

18-01-14, 13:46

Have you been to the doctors about your symptoms. I have worries about symptoms I have had been to the doctors had a few scans because I did not trust and believe the doctors/GP.

I do get some of the symptoms you have been having, and been to see GPS and opticians and say nothing was wrong with me

Please do not Google or use similar search engines of the symptoms you are going.

18-01-14, 14:30
See this and compare ;)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms/)

Positive thoughts

18-01-14, 15:03
Anxiety can certainly cause all of these symptoms and more. Take a look at the symptoms list on the left side of the home page. The key to getting better is to accept the fact that you have an anxiety disorder.

18-01-14, 17:08
Thank you all for the reassurance. I've been to many doctors and they've found nothing wrong, but I haven't actually had a nerve biopsy done. My current fear is small fiber neuropathy because I have many of the symptoms and people with small fiber neuropathy are sometimes told that their pain is psychosomatic when they actually have a problem with their nerves.

i have every one of those symptoms & more and i've been told by 5 doctors that it's anxiety although no MRI has been performed, i'm similar in terms of struggling to believe anxiety can cause all the symptoms but the doctors seem to think it can. How frequent are your headaches & dizziness?

Not very frequent. The skin sensations are my most bothersome symptoms.

18-01-14, 17:32
I actually have neuropathy in my feet due to chemo treatments. They're basically numb. Even though they're numb I still get stabbing pains and it feels like I'm walking on scrunched up socks all the time ~lol~ It's just weird! I also have RLS due to the same reasons as well as nerve issues in my neck due to damage from surgery. I take Gabopentin 3x a day to help quell the symptoms and will be on pail relievers the rest of my life. Fortunately I don't need narcotics at this point. I have Tramadol for pain and it works well.

A doctor would be able to diagnose neuropathy with examination and tests. You've had that and the results were negative so that leaves anxiety as the root cause of your physical symptoms. I know it's irritating as hell as the symptoms definitely mimic neuropathy, but the good news is it can be treated just by treating your anxiety ;)

Positive thoughts

18-01-14, 17:38
I get most of them and with me it's anxiety.

18-01-14, 17:40
I actually have neuropathy in my feet due to chemo treatments. They're basically numb. Even though they're numb I still get stabbing pains and it feels like I'm walking on scrunched up socks all the time ~lol~ It's just weird! I also have RLS due to the same reasons as well as nerve issues in my neck due to damage from surgery. I take Gabopentin 3x a day to help quell the symptoms and will be on pail relievers the rest of my life. Fortunately I don't need narcotics at this point. I have Tramadol for pain and it works well.

A doctor would be able to diagnose neuropathy with examination and tests. You've had that and the results were negative so that leaves anxiety as the root cause of your physical symptoms. I know it's irritating as hell as the symptoms definitely mimic neuropathy, but the good news is it can be treated just by treating your anxiety ;)

Positive thoughts

Thank you very much for saying this. It makes me feel better. I feel like an idiot for constantly seeking reassurance here and on other boards, but I seem to get new symptoms every few days and I keep getting alarmed by them. I have read that people with SFN often feel pain in their feet when they put on their socks or walk around, can't feel hot and cold normally, can't feel small concentrated sensations of pain like a pinprick, etc., but even though those don't apply to me I still wonder if I have it. I'm driving myself absolutely crazy.

18-01-14, 18:21
i too have had most of your symptoms, and a few more, such as burning gums, teeth and what feels like crushing finger nails and pangs in my lymph nodes. I just google symptoms of illnesses and i develop them too. so i dont google anymore. ive had
blood tests etc and apparently im depressed and anxious was the clinical diagnosis. the symptoms fluctuate, they get worse when im stressed. hope it helps that your not alone:weep:

18-01-14, 19:16
i too have had most of your symptoms, and a few more, such as burning gums, teeth and what feels like crushing finger nails and pangs in my lymph nodes. I just google symptoms of illnesses and i develop them too. so i dont google anymore. ive had
blood tests etc and apparently im depressed and anxious was the clinical diagnosis. the symptoms fluctuate, they get worse when im stressed. hope it helps that your not alone:weep:

My symptoms get worse with stress as well. It's nice to know that someone else can relate, so thank you for posting.

I also sometimes feel like my eyelids are stuck together when my eyes are closed, feel a heaviness in my hands and see black lines in my peripheral vision.

18-01-14, 19:48
I have most of them duo to anxiety, but when my blood calcium levels was low i almost had all of them. have u been checked for minerals and vitamin deficiency?

18-01-14, 19:52
I have most of them duo to anxiety, but when my blood calcium levels was low i almost had all of them. have u been checked for minerals and vitamin deficiency?

I've been checked for a B12 deficiency but nothing else. I was already taking calcium supplements when the symptoms began so I don't think that my problem is a calcium deficiency, but I appreciate your post.

19-01-14, 04:40
Does anyone know when these symptoms will go away? I keep thinking that I have small fiber neuropathy. I feel like crying because I'm worried that I'm going to feel like this forever. I haven't been that anxious today and the symptoms are still there.

19-01-14, 22:50
Hey there,

I came on here almost to write the same post as this. Over the past 6 months I've had many symptoms as well. Insomnia, sweating, disliking heat, bad indigestion pain, diarrhoea, floaters in eyes, tinnitus, hypersensitivity to sound.

And the most recent has been the burning/prickly skin you mention in your post. Which is now upsetting me a lot. The thing is, it makes sense to me, that this is anxiety. Someone told me that when lots of parts of your body are affected in a short space of time then anxiety is to blame.

But I am still on lots of websites, trying to find out what's wrong with me and how I can stop my skin feeling sore and uncomfortable like this. But i know what i should be doing is relaxation and reducing the anxiety which only makes symptoms worse

I do know what you are going through. If you can do anything to help yourself relax…then do it. That's what i'm going to concentrate on now

take care

19-01-14, 23:16
Hey there,

I came on here almost to write the same post as this. Over the past 6 months I've had many symptoms as well. Insomnia, sweating, disliking heat, bad indigestion pain, diarrhoea, floaters in eyes, tinnitus, hypersensitivity to sound.

And the most recent has been the burning/prickly skin you mention in your post. Which is now upsetting me a lot. The thing is, it makes sense to me, that this is anxiety. Someone told me that when lots of parts of your body are affected in a short space of time then anxiety is to blame.

But I am still on lots of websites, trying to find out what's wrong with me and how I can stop my skin feeling sore and uncomfortable like this. But i know what i should be doing is relaxation and reducing the anxiety which only makes symptoms worse

I do know what you are going through. If you can do anything to help yourself relax…then do it. That's what i'm going to concentrate on now

take care

I appreciate your post. It helps to know that I'm not the only one going through this. I've been trying to relax, but it's difficult when I keep experiencing symptoms. I've also heard that if you have a symptom list as long as mine, then the most likely cause of the symptoms is anxiety. What's driving me crazy is not knowing how long these symptoms are going to last. I talked to someone who had about half of my symptoms and he said that it took about three years for him to fully recover. I hope that we don't have to wait that long.

16-05-14, 18:43
If this were just anxiety then everyone would get these symptoms when they feel anxiety.

Many of your symptoms could be caused by trigger points.

The cold water thing I can't explain, but I get that too. My cold water / burning / stinging didn't start until I took antibiotics from a doctor who told me I had lyme disease using an un-approved test.

Before that I had a lot of trigger point issues. I also have bilateral tinnitus which some of it may be caused by trigger points, but the rest may be ear poisoning / damage. I have great hearing though.

I developed facial pain and pseudo TMJ dysfunction. Before that it was just chronic neck tensions which was probably caused by trigger points in the lower trapezius, but I didn't know that at the time until I learned more when my symptoms grew.

I also get intermittent decreased sensation below my eyes on my face on both sides. If I tap my jaw side to side or similar movementsI can make it worse.

23-05-15, 16:02
i would say anxiety! i have just about all of those symptoms at times and some others ( muscle twitching around mouth and lips.. feels like im gunna have a stroke! Damn Anxiety it is amazing what it can cause the rest of the body to do:) Keep strong. x

23-05-15, 21:36
Oh my word! I don't think you could possibly have so many serious things that they would produce all those symptoms and so you probably do not have any of the things you are imagining. Just out of interest, does anyone else suffer form itching all over. I get every evening and it drives me mad!

23-05-15, 22:45
I dont get it every evening but i do get it at times through the day and its unbearable:( I bet it drives you mad.Horible. Iv e been to the doc on so many occasions this year with various things that i have thought were wrong with me and every time he tells me its the anxiety that is causing it.. im like surly not but eh it must be true! Ive had blood tests and heart tests etc and always everything ok.

24-05-15, 22:16
fair enough. Thank you.