View Full Version : Enlarged supraclavicular,worst nightmare came true

18-01-14, 11:14
Well, I've been suffering HA for more than a year, started with tingling and MS issue, the tingling is now gone.
After dealing with ms,als,colon cancer,ovarian cancer,breast cancer that lymph node problems started, I permanently OCD-ingly checking every lump and drs told me that there is nothing to worry, Every time a new lymph node came up, I told myself that "thank god at least it is not above collarbone" and of-course the lump went down after a couple of weeks.
Now my worst nightmare came true, last week I noticed a small pea-sized soft lymph above my right collarbone, the next day morning i went to oncologist! and she laughed and told me it is too tiny. the lump has doubled in size since then, and got firmer. I asked my gp to write multiple tumor markers blood test! that if I have a type of advanced cancer it would show on test, I am waiting for the results, and ran out of money!
I don't know what to do, I am dealing with a lot of panic attacks and nightmares right now. I am a graduate student and this HA has ruined my life. This time I am sure that there is something going in my body...
PS. Sorry for my poor English.

18-01-14, 14:04
I've had head and neck cancer. A blood test will not show all cancers. Yes, there are certain "markers" that would warrant further investigation, but it's not definitive. Only a biopsy of the affected node can do so. If the doctor feels there's nothing of concern to biopsy then you're SOL. Based on what I read, I have to assume you're on your 20's as you're in graduate school. The chances of you developing H&N cancer are very slim at best. From my experience here on the forum, I would also venture to guess that you poke and prod this poor node dozens of times a day further irritating it. There's a very large probability it's nothing to be concerned with and it's also obvious your worst nightmare has not come true.

Good luck and positive thoughts!

18-01-14, 18:16
Now my worst nightmare came true, last week I noticed a small pea-sized soft lymph above my right collarbone

Quote from patient.co.uk:

"Lymph glands are normally pea-sized."

I think a lot of people with lymph-node HA feel like anything other than a smooth body surface is a sign of something very bad. The fact is being lumpy is normal, just like it says up there.

18-01-14, 18:55
The chances of you developing H&N cancer are very slim at best.

Thank you for your kind reply, Actually I am worried about esophagus cancer, Lung cancer, Metastatic breast cancer - I've had a recent core biopsy a breast lump which turned out to be fibroadenoma- and my worst fear is hodgkin - last year i've developed submandibular lymph which ENT told it is reflux related- and also axillary nodes which surgeon says it is reactive duo to breast biopsy - how could that all these nodes have some reasons for themselves, what if they are part of a whole. :(
Can I have advanced lung cancer with normal chest x-ray?

I would also venture to guess that you poke and prod this poor node dozens of times a day further irritating it.

It is more than dozens of times! my fingers are constantly on the node, even during driving!

Quote from patient.co.uk:

"Lymph glands are normally pea-sized."

I think a lot of people with lymph-node HA feel like anything other than a smooth body surface is a sign of something very bad. The fact is being lumpy is normal, just like it says up there.

Well, I went to a radiologist and asked to look at my node above collarbone - here ultrasound of soft tissues costs around 40$ without insurance - and she said that it is 4mmx1cm and it seems reactive - but reactive of what?? - it has been almost doubled now.
I promise that if i overcome this lymphoma I will never ever google symptoms ...

18-01-14, 21:52
Possibly reactive to the constant prodding ;)

Positive thoughts

19-01-14, 10:05
We often set certain health rules so if something is not this way then it must be cancer.... Health Anxiety, to me, is one of the worst of the anxieties to have. I would look into CBT as well as make an appointment with a psychologist or someone who you can talk to about your fears.

Just remember that EVERYONE has sensations, movements, pinching, aches, pains, lumps, bumps, throbbing, pulsating etc feelings ALL the time. Its normal for EVERYONE. Do some meditation, deep breathing techniques, centre yourself. Yoga is fantastic if you can go. When you're terrified - in a panic, its just the thoughts that are frightening you, the symptoms are the trigger but its the thoughts in your head that are feeding the panic and the fear so when you're feeling ok, write down some things to help you when you have those bad thoughts. Try and stop prodding at your body, you will get lumps and bumps. They are nothing to be frightened of.

19-01-14, 15:45
I was collegiate athlete, everything was fine back then, I broke many of my bones. I've experienced many muscle weakness and even breathing issue duo to sport activities but none of them lead my to cancer thoughts, after this HA started I began to worrying with every injury and incident, thus I left it.
I definitely need a therapist or sth but I do not know if it will help or not.
but in the first place I should overcome this collarbone lump :(
I appreciate your responses it helped me a lot. I hope tomorrow all blood test results will be normal.

19-01-14, 20:02
Don't touch the lump for 7 days - not once and then after 7 days gently feel it just for a second but don't prod or rub etc and see if its bigger or smaller or gone. If its got alot bigger then fair enough show it to a Dr but you might be pleasantly surprised that no touching means it can reduce itself without the constant inflammation caused by prodding.

If anyone finds a node say under their jawbone thats perfectly normal and then they prod and poke it incessantly then it will get bigger even though it is perfectly normal!

Hope the blood tests come back normal.

20-01-14, 15:49
I've just got my results,
ESR:9 normal , AST ALP ALT CEA CA 15-3 all normal.
CBC: WBC slightly low, RBC slightly low, Hemoglobin slightly low, RDW high
the worrisome part is the presence of RBC and WBC in urine :(
can I have advanced cancer that has already spread to supraclavicular lymph node and normal ESR? or maybe some sort of cancers like kidney has spread to that.