View Full Version : waking fatigued

18-01-14, 12:55
Hello all
I have nearly always woken feeling tired, even after a 9hr sleep, any less than 8hrs & im useless!
But more recently this has got worse, being more fatigued after a sleep than before & often needing to have a short sleep (less than an hour) during the day in order to carry on, this seems to refresh me much more than the night sleep and I can then focus better for the remainder of the day, but why?
Its something I learned to live with but interested to know if anyone else's day sounds like this.
I have had different blood tests over the years, I believe it is depression/anxiety related which I have had for at least as long as the above symptoms but it can be convenient to blame it for everything!

19-01-14, 19:28
I'm exactly the same as you! i used to take naps during the day as well. I'd say don't worry about it, take all the rest you need, people with colds, flu etc. get told to rest, but people with mental health issues don't get this kind of advice. If it helps you feel better then do it!

23-01-14, 18:21
Only us, ok!

23-01-14, 18:24
Do you dream a lot captcha? :)

23-01-14, 18:42
yes, dreams/nightmares, may be a factor

23-01-14, 18:50
They most probably are, I know when I dream a lot I wake up just as tired as I went to bed :)