View Full Version : sudden bad headache - massive brain tumor fear.

18-01-14, 13:03
I had a migraine all day yesterday. This morning it was totally gone. Just now I lay down on my bed and all of a sudden it came back really strongly. Because I have had BT fears before I know that headaches that find on suddenly, are worse or triggered by lying or bending down and don't resolve with medication are signs of brain tumor. The pain is throbbing / pounding and worse when I move. I am terrified that I have a brain tumour and am now on the verge of a complete panic attack which hasn't happened in ages :(

18-01-14, 13:11
Cattia- this can also happen with sinus pressure, tension headaches, etc.
I get awful headaches and migraines. They are triggered by anxiety most always.

18-01-14, 13:31

I had a brain tumor fear not long ago(still sort of worry about it but moved onto heart fears now). I just thought it'd be reassuring for you to know, I saw my doctor about a headache that majorly panicked me into thinking I had a tumor. My doctor said of all the people shes seen who do turn out to have tumors, pretty much none of them presented with a headache. She said it's nearly always very strange presenting symptoms, such as not being able to move an arm without difficulty, stumbling randomly when standing, stuff along those lines.
Try not to give it too much air time in your thoughts. Treat it as a headache cos that's all it'll be! I know it's hard, I currently believe I had a heart attack yesterday :/
You'll be fine :) xx

18-01-14, 13:33
Thank you. I'm just worried because it went away then came back really suddenly when I was lying sown. I wonder if I put my neck at a weird angle or something.

18-01-14, 13:45
Yeah could have done. Mine came up when I stood up from bending down, so immediately thought the worst. If you're tense it'll contribute to headaches too

18-01-14, 14:47
Cattia for a few days after having migraine it's very common for people to experience bad head pain after putting their head down, bending down, lying down or any position that means the blood flow to your head is increased. It's not dangerous, but it is painful and obviously can feel worrying. It's normal though.

If you suffer with migraines anxiety and stress can be a big trigger, so doing some relaxation daily and working on your anxiety may lessen the amount of migraines you get.

18-01-14, 18:13
I didn't know that Honeylove, that makes a bit more sense. I still have the migraine pain but not as bad as it was. I also feel a bit spaced out and woozy. I am hoping it will be gone by the morning.