View Full Version : baffled

18-01-14, 14:59
Hi everybody,

I'm new to this. The forum and the fear. I have been experiencing harsh panic attacks for just under two months. I'm 32 and fit, healthy and happy. They are starting to affect my happiness however.

I have had no history of mental illness, used to play sports professionally, am successful in my commercial career, and have always dealt with pressure well, so am confused why they have started and why I am so scared of them continuing.

I hate the thought of being medicated (I work in the Parma industry) so am anxious to go to my GP. I have booked an appointment with a MCBT counsellor for next week, which I find a bit embarrassing tbh and am very focused on beating them. Can anybody who share my background or has context such as mine share how they dealt with things. My nearest and dearest would be supportive but mental health carries some prejudices in my world and I don't really rely on their help.



18-01-14, 16:02
I have had panic attacks on and off for a long time, but mostly underlying depression. I knew I was in trouble near Xmas, and I finally admitted to my long term girlfriend, that my mind was in a bad place. She didn't take it well, but she wasn't stupid, she could see the change in me, and at least she had an answer for it. I have been to my GP and am now on Citalopram.
Mental illness is such a horrible phrase. What a lot of us go through, many don't understand, and I never think of it in that context. You are human, and the brain is very complex. Sometimes it just needs a little help from time, with everything that goes on in our lives. Just hang in there. Your not alone. This site I have found very useful. Its like a lifeline for me.

18-01-14, 16:54
Thanks - I appreciate that very much. I am struggling to cope with the fact that I am struggling, and trying to identify why I had my first one is painful. Now though I'm in a cycle of having panic attacks because I'm scared of having a panic attack which I am desperate to break