View Full Version : cant cope

18-01-14, 15:45
hi I have had GAD for some years now and was taking meds for it citalopram I came off them around 8 month ago and was doing ok ,I still got attacks everyday but not strong ones,then five days ago I had my worst attack ever out the blue for no reason ,I have never had any triggers ,this attack was pure fear rising from my legs I was terrified and even had suicidal thoughts ,the next day my doc put me on prozak -fluoxetine and I am still in fear all day not just in spells I have even phoned Samaritans a few times do you think the meds will help in time and the fear is made worse by the early stage of the meds.

18-01-14, 18:08
Hello, Tattoodal,

I am so sorry you are struggling right now, but, YES, I do think that the meds will help in time. I also imagine you are having more anxiety from the start up phase of a SSRI.

I started having severe panic attacks "out of the blue" several months ago. Had never struggled before. I went from "normal" to a crisis point of panic with agoraphobia in only a few weeks time! I am now somewhere around 9 weeks of Sertraline, and about two weeks ago I started getting significantly better. This last week I have almost been my old self- even with very stressful life situations going on.

Be sure that you are having a very open and frequent dialogue with your GP or PDOC- especially since you are experiencing suicidal thoughts. Also, can you get any therapy?