View Full Version : Break up

18-01-14, 16:40
I broke up with my girlfriend last night after a year of constant thoughts of breaking up and not loving her. I was so tired in my own mind I has to get relief. I thought breaking it off would spur thoughts and feelings of love back but I was empty.

I cried and periods where I thought 'what the hell have I done' and now I don't know if I have made the wrong decision.

I have the inability to feel emotion at the moment and I'm scared if we get back together I will never be happy.

I left because I couldn't take anymore bad thoughts.

I don't know what's real and what isn't anymore.

18-01-14, 17:21
Hi, Wilsano,

Are you in any kind of therapy, or on any medication?

18-01-14, 17:36
I'm on my 3rd session of therapy.

The thoughts have just been so overwhelming I believe them sometimes. I know what I want I want to be able to have a good enjoyable life with this girl but I can't feel anything for anything or anyone.

18-01-14, 18:02
I am so sorry that I don't have any good advice, but it sounds like a deep depression. Have you had an official diagnosis?

Don't despair. There is hope and recovery for all the different ways our mental states can become askew. In the meantime, know we are here to stand beside you as you take each day forward.

18-01-14, 18:14
Hi sorry about your breakup its always hard but how you are feeling aswell wont be helping ,give yourself sometime see how you feel ,you never know time apart may help you focus on what you really want xx

18-01-14, 18:23
Hi wisano, I wouldn't jump right back in the relationship if I was you. You need to take time to work on yourself. Keep the therapy up, check with your doctor about some antidepressants, don' t drink and try exercising. Take care Tiff

18-01-14, 18:30
That's why I left I need time alone to think. I know deep down I want to be with her but these constant doubts keep making me think otherwise. My therapist told me I've been able to block out all of my emotions and that just adds to it.

I felt like I was trapped and now I have broken up I feel like I a sense of relief from these thoughts but also I've lost the best girl I've ever met. She's giving me space she's devastated but has told me she will always be there for me. You could not think this girl up she is funny,smart,genuine and gorgeous I just can't feel happiness or love.

My therapist told me I have been able to block out the anxiety but in doing so I've also blocked out happiness,enjoyment etc.