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18-01-14, 17:18
Been getting this area of vision loss in my left eye when I do stuff. My retina looked okay apparently but the docs didn't really know what to think and one said 'sounds vascular', then sent me home without explaining what that meant. Been getting terrible dizziness and migraines. I've been through every neuro worry this week.

I'm only 21 but I've barely done any exercise the last year and now I'm worried I have a clot in my head, and that the next time I start feeling unwell it will be because I'm having a stroke. I did notice that if I press on the inner corner of my eye, I get an area of vision loss in the opposite corner that's similar to what I get (pretty sure this is normal). So maybe it's because of sinus pressure or swelling? That area in between my eyes is very tender. Anyone else with bad sinuses get vision issues?

18-01-14, 18:02
Believe it or not TMJ can cause all of the things you've been getting, even the eye problems. I'd imagine it's far more likely to be that than a blood clot at 21, especially if you haven't been exercising :)

18-01-14, 19:45
Thanks, LunaLiuna. I don't think I have TMJ, but I do have blocked ears and tender areas, so I'm hoping it's sinuses maybe? Idk, just trying to hope nothing major is going wrong in my brain :-(

18-01-14, 20:06
Blocked ears and tender areas can be TMJ too, you may not notice but you could be clenching your jaw during sleep :)

18-01-14, 20:09
Luna is right, definitely sounds like tmj. Don't clench your teeth, and if you're doing it in your sleep get a guard.

19-01-14, 00:28
Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I have really bad eyebrow pain when I touch the corner of my eyes. I have facial pain infront of my ears, aswell as daily headaches band sore spots on my head. My eyebrow pain is particualry bad atm and my left eyebrow hurts if I look across up etc.

I have been given antibiotics for sinuses, they didn't work so now I'm on amitriptyline for pain.Tmj was suggested by the doctor.

Obviously I believe I have a brain aneurysm waiting to go or a sinus infection that's not being treated and therefore will spread to my brain. I know it sounds mad but your certainly not alone. X

19-01-14, 00:33
Roxy that pain in front on your ear is EXACTLY where your TMJ is :)