View Full Version : Nurturing and Nourishing Meals

18-01-14, 18:30
Hello, dear friends!

After a few of us have mentioned planning the week's menu, and many of us have expressed interest in what the others are doing in regards to meals....I thought maybe a thread to share ideas of healthy meal ideas/menus/recipes would be helpful......

I don't have anything to add just yet, but thought I would go ahead and open this up as it is the weekend and many of us are looking ahead to planning dinners for the next week.

Also, since this forum is visited by friends around the globe it could be really fun to see what various forms of foods are introduced. :)

18-01-14, 19:05
I just bought some Spiralina (blue, green algae) to have in a shake every morning with my fruit.

I try to make sure I vary my meals but I find it hard because I'll only eat fresh non gmo things, which can be quite hard too find sometimes :l

Still I'd love too see what ideas people have :)

18-01-14, 19:07
Annie has a good thread going on this as well http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=141516