View Full Version : Citalopram blues

18-01-14, 18:33
Well I joined here on the 13th and have met some great people on here. Day 11 on Citalopram, and today I find my mind in complete hell. The day started off okay, even went out running later, but now my mind is just in such a bad place. I spent some time talking to Sussex Mental healthline, which was good but you only have 20 minutes on there. I have not eaten all day hardly, and I am trying to avoid the alcohol, but my mind slipped into this bad place, and now I am there again. Needed something to take off the edge, but it never does. I come on here again now, just to see what other people are writing, since I realise there are people struggling too like me, maybe not in the same way, but just struggling to get through every day. I just want to lie on the floor and cry. This depression, this sadness is unbearable. It catches you when you least expect it, just when you think you can get through this, it comes over you, and you feel your mind going into this bad place. I hate feeling like this, and I am hoping the counselling which is coming soon will help. I see the Doctor again on Tuesday, so hopefully that will help.
I just feel terrible. I can't even say, why I am feeling like this, just that my mind is in a bad place..

Cú Chulainn
18-01-14, 19:25
I'm taking Cit too.
Your on day 11, its still very early days.
I didn't begin to see benefit till the 3-4 week.
At which point did begin to get a lot better..
If you have nausea then you should eat it will help.
The side effects will pass in a week or two.
Hope this helps

18-01-14, 19:43
thanks it did..its just very hard at the moment..the lows are incredible...

19-01-14, 20:48
Hang in there Deck, hope today was a better day

20-01-14, 17:10

I was on this and tried punching the windows out of my car.... Now on Venlafaxine, third time lucky!

I would suggest that you wait 4-6 weeks takes ages to bed in...