View Full Version : Sitting in my car in floods of tears - Knew I Shouldn't have joined the gym :-(

Female healthanxiety
18-01-14, 18:45
I have just walked out my newly joined gym, and am sitting in my car in floods of tears; so angry, upset, disappointed and most of all scared.

As you may know me by now I have HA related to blood pressure/ heart and strokes.

My latest post 2 weeks was regarding me feeling so low of energy, fatigue and feeling dizzy AND lightheaded, I explained I went to the DRS and my BP was 140/87 and my doctor reassures me it's fine (he knows me very well!).

I advised him I am starting a gym; new me and everything; he said that's great, go for it.

I signed up last week, FOR A WHOLE YEAR!!!!

Went to a zumba class last week and felt great afterwards; (I am 30 years old, a stone and a half overweight) so the sweating was relieving!

TODAY: was on the Cross Trainer and noticed as soon as I got in the machine and started crossing, my heart rate was already 120. I noticed the persons machine next to mine was 90!!!!

After 5 minutes, my heart rate was going up.... 130,134,140 150 and then teacher the 160s, then 170! The machine displayed; HEART RATE TOO HIGH. So I got off and went to sit down and so some light weights (really just to calm sown).

Then I noticed a member of staff and said: I'm sorry to bother you; I'm new here, when the machine says HEART RATE TOO HIGH, is that something to worry about; he said not really; it happens a lot it's because the machine reacts to sweat and is quite inaccurate at time, he said u ever had any problems with blood pressure, anxiety etc. I said NO (knowing in the back I my head that is my fear).

He said just relax it happens, to put your mind at ease I can always get a heart machine and just check it? I said ok cool!

TO MY UTTER PANIC, he walked through the door with a BP MACHINE, I said no I don't want that done, it's always high (knowing it is sometimes I hate the machines) I was panicking so much, he took it and it was 174/110!!!!!!

He didn't look worried; he said it is high, BT you have just excercised, plus he could see on the reading that my pulse was high. I told him to take it again and it was then 155/100, he said see it's going down know, nothing to worry about just take it easy today.

I am now in floods of tears. This was going to be a year where I actually did something for myself and lose weight, now I'm petrified. I feel my heart rate is still high and I feel sick.

Please reply!!!!

18-01-14, 19:01
It's really not uncommon to get your heart rate up that high especially if you haven't been exercising in a while. And even more so if you have anxiety. I would expect it to be a bit high since you might have been a bit anxious starting a new exercise routine. You may have even been a bit over ambitious and pushed yourself more than normal.

My BP and pulse are usually low, but when I go to the doctors they both shoot up, and are often a bit elevated at the gym. When I check them at home before going for a run, they are normal.

I really wouldn't worry about it. I think it's important to keep working out, but maybe take it a bit slower next time.

18-01-14, 19:08
You need to start exercising slowly and build up.

I really wouldn't worry about this at all and keep going to the gym !

Female healthanxiety
18-01-14, 19:18
Thank you for your replies.

I made it indoors (20 minute drive).

I only did 10 minutes on the cross trainer and 5 minutes on the bike, and then tried to relax myself by going for a swim for 5 minutes.

I really really wanted to do this more then anything; every year, for the past 4 years I have planned to join and never do; as there has always been something. Am so sick of it.

Every time I exercise now. I am going to feel scared and wonder if my BP is Ok And if my heart rate is how it should be.

I'm now getting feelings in my left arm, and throat feels hard, here we go......

I felt great last week when I took a class of zumba, just don't understand it.


18-01-14, 19:33
10 minutes on a cross trainer would be way too much for most people I would think.

Don't make it become an issue please - just go slowly until you are fitter.

18-01-14, 19:40
I used to get worried when i went to the gym and my heart rate hit 185, i would slow down and watch it until it came to 170. Then, when i did my stress stest at the hospital my heart rate went up to 213!!!! The lady conducting it wasnt phased by it at all. When i then got to see my cardiologist he said not to worry about it and actually the fact that my heart rate went that high was better than people who couldnt get theres above 160 due to being unfit. He said that my heart was fit and was just having a workout! Dont worry about it, as long as your heart is in its normal rhythm 180 is very accecptable. It will then naturally come down once you are fitter.

Female healthanxiety
18-01-14, 20:15
Thanks Nicola.

Clover - I had an episode of a murmur, which freaked me out to be honest as well.

How did you find going back to the gym after that episode? Was your heart rate still high?

K x

18-01-14, 20:21
What is an episode of a murmur? I have very bad eptopics at times (very scary) and a very abnormal ecg, hence why i had lots of test and cardiologist appointments. My heart arte can still go that high but im not bothered by it. I know my heart is ok despite the big runs of eptopics and the crazy ecg. My blood pressure also goes up when im stressed but thats normal. I promise you now there is nothing wrong with blood pressure increases due to anxiety as the increase is only temporary and I promise you there is nothing wrong with a heart rate of 180 during exercise.

Female healthanxiety
18-01-14, 21:00
Thank you Clover.

You sound like a strong woman! Well some for getting through that episode of your life and believing that you are absolutely fine despite your annoying symptoms! I bet you went through the worst anxiety ever at the time?!

I now think I have chest pains and am quite tired (probably from all the worrying in the past 3 hours).

I am thinking of going back to the gym on Monday and not leave it to long!

Just worried that the BP in the gym was so scary and it just stops me! Almost like a lollipop lady has stopped in front of my car and said NO don't go on its bad for you and your BP was high remember. Ironic ain't it!?

K x

---------- Post added at 21:00 ---------- Previous post was at 20:59 ----------

#apologies, meant ectopic not murmur!

18-01-14, 22:20
I had a terrible year with it. Chest pains, eptopics, dizzy ness,lightheadedness, swollen fingers and feet, faint pulse, feeling like I was going to pass out on many occasions, racing pulse everything, you name it I had it!!! It was hard going as I had a go who was unless and in the end went privately to a cardiologist who referred me back to the NHS for all the tests as he felt I needed them and shouldn't have to pay for them. I had everything, numerous ecgs, echo, stress test, 24hr tape and adventually a ct angiogram. The cardiologist said that because if my ECG I may develops a cardiomyopthy but I might not so hey I'm going for the 2nd option. It took a lot out of me at the time but hey I'm still here but a very weak and feeble version of my former self. I'll get there in the end as will you. Don't worry about the chest pains, I know they are scary but when I went to hospital recently for an unrelated matter a lady came in who was having a heart attack and it was obvious to even me what was going on. As for the tiredness, its a killer, I'm still exhausted every day but I'm hoping it gets better as things improve and I think yours will to. I honestly think the best you could comic get back to that gym and put your heart to the test, you need to get your confidence in it back and that's the only way to do it. I live at the bottom of a very big steep hill and every time I got worried I would just make myself out and power walk it, it was scary and I thought that it would kill me every time but it didn't and I've got some confidence in it back, it will take time to get it all back but you can get there one day at a time. The key is to accept where you are and not to beat yourself up about it mtoo much. Allow yourself to have moments buts then pick yourself back up again and get noon with it, slowly the crazy moments get less and less.

---------- Post added at 22:20 ---------- Previous post was at 22:19 ----------

That should have said GP who was useless.

Female healthanxiety
19-01-14, 15:12
Hello Clover,

You sound so similar to me! I bugged my DR for all of these tests, and went through the same tests over 1 year, 5-6 years ago!!!! This is why my DR know me very well! Was diagnosed with GAD and HA.

I am not obsessed with thinking I have HIGH BP, more like I'm always looking for reassurance that I don't.
I had a terrible year with it.

Even now I have a thudding pulse; even when I lay down and get up in the morning.

I am glad you finally went for the tests for peace of mind and it's interesting what your Cardiologist said! I just think OMG if I stayed on the cross trainer, my heart rate would have gone upto 200+ maybe, and then that leads onto me thinking, then I would have had even higher BP and then the worst fear ever, heart attack or stroke!

In the back of my mind, I suppose like many HA sufferers, I am thinking my tests are now expired as they were 5 years ago!

You say put my heart to the test: I would love too, the maddest thing is I felt like I could go on and do more on the machine but my heart rate scared me, same as the BP reading that was taken straight after (I wish I never asked for it to be done now)

How old are you Clover? If you don't mind me asking? :-)

19-01-14, 18:53
Im 32. I used to go to bed every night truly believing i was not going ti wake up. And when i did thinking i was going to die that day, it was horrible and really took its tole on me. Please just keep going, get your heart rate up, really push yourself and don't worry about your bp. I think your bp was raised not only because of the exercise but because of the anxiety. Realistically what fear if your heart is it? A blockage? A myophathy? An arythimia?

Female healthanxiety
22-01-14, 12:51
Hello Clover,

sorry for the late reply.

I will be 31 in March, and I know many older people say 'your still young' and even my Dr SAYS THAT - But I don't feel it!

I have always had a fear of things like HIGH BP/Stroke/Heart Attack since I was 19 and DO NOT KNOW WHY!!!

The whole of my mums side has high BP and my grandad has a dodgy ticker, high BP - The lot.... so I think my turn is due anytime soon.

My BP has always been on the higher side of normal for all these years - average between - 119-160 - 81-116. However, due to my Health Anxiety and me having ll these tests done over the years, my DR assures me that it is my HA.

Its the usual captions like:-

'High BP is a silent Killer'
'Never dismiss a chest pain'

I hate getting my BP taken any where other then my own doctors, as they will think my BP is high and all of that, even though my Drs knows its because of my anxiety.

Hence the reason am now scared to excercise!


22-01-14, 12:58
If it makes you feel any better my heart rate is 120 at rest lol. I wasn't even aware of it till i went to pre op and the nurse was worried.

Anyway just take it easy at the gym and don't do too much too fast.

Female healthanxiety
22-01-14, 15:21
Hello Cerona

Thanks for your reply.

My resting is also fast!!! I think 120 when resting also. Did your DR adVise anything? Or put it down to anxiety?

I have just some the worst thing ever. Just had a cup of coffee; walking to the bank for work and just had a massive skipping beat of my heart; not sure if it was the caffeine but felt like I had to stop in my tracks; my throat is all dry.

As mentioned in my post earlier was meant to not leave the hun too long after my latest episode however tonight would have been the first night that I was going to go back and do the zumba class :-( when will this ever end?????!

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Does anyone else ever get this when drinking coffee??

Am now thinking, 'see my heart can't even cope with Coffee'

22-01-14, 15:34
Hello Cerona

Thanks for your reply.

My resting is also fast!!! I think 120 when resting also. Did your DR adVise anything? Or put it down to anxiety?

I have just some the worst thing ever. Just had a cup of coffee; walking to the bank for work and just had a massive skipping beat of my heart; not sure if it was the caffeine but felt like I had to stop in my tracks; my throat is all dry.

As mentioned in my post earlier was meant to not leave the hun too long after my latest episode however tonight would have been the first night that I was going to go back and do the zumba class :-( when will this ever end?????!

---------- Post added at 15:21 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Does anyone else ever get this when drinking coffee??

Am now thinking, 'see my heart can't even cope with Coffee'

The nurse who noticed it sent me for an echo and it came back fine. Doctor told me not if it's not causing me problems then it is ok. I don't have health anxiety so no idea what's causing it but not too bothered.

Think it would worry me if i could feel it racing though. Just take it easy and try and avoid caffeine and nicotine if you can.

22-01-14, 15:44
Aw bless you - I know how anxious & upset you must feel but please don't let it put you off going to the gym. I joined the gym in Dec 2012 after not doing any exercise for a couple of years. The first few times were horrendous & at times I thought I was going to pass out but I would take it down a level & build it back up. I stuck with it and now I go 3-4 times a week, do zumba classes & in June last year completed a 30 mile hike up a mountain!! I put my towel over the display on the cross-trainer & treadmill so I can't see anything. I listen to my body and when I think I need to slow down I do - the monitors on some equipment aren't accurate. Stick with it!!! Zumba is fantastic fun so PLEASE go to your class tonight. You can do it!! Big hugs. xx

22-01-14, 16:01
I've just started at my gym too! My heart rate goes right up to 180 aster 2 mins!

I promise you do not need to worry about this. I never exercise usually, so its massive shock, in a way your giving your heart a good work out too, its not a bad thing!

Stick to it :) xx

Female healthanxiety
22-01-14, 16:59
Thanks for your replies.

CORONA - I will try! -- and I have also been told a fast pulse is not necessarily bad to be honest!:blush:

MECHE - Thanks for your reply. Yes that is exactly how I feel! I just feel like I am not meant to do anything streneous! Last year was a tough year for me and I hough right let me do this for me self - then BOOM! :shrug:

Well done for joining the gym that is great! Wow - well done also on your mile hike up mountain! - That is so cool! - bet you feel really proud of yourself - you should do. Putting a towel over the machine - what a GREAT idea!!!! - to be honest I think the classes at the gym combined with a swim, sauna etc, would be more suited to me, at least in the first month or so, so I can ge into it (If I can!)...:weep:

I feel so annoyed as I need to lose weight and all I am thinking about and feeling is my heart...............:ohmy:

ANXIETY OVERLOAD - Thank you for your reply and WELL DONE for joining the gym! Well that is interesting to hear that yours is the same as mine!

It probably does not help as I smoke too! What is your programme like at the gym?

Does not help that I feel tired after finishing work at 6.30pm everyday - so would probably get in at 9.30, if I went to the gym!

I just think, could my heart not over excert if I do too much!!? and how do I know my BP is coping?! :blush:


Female healthanxiety
23-01-14, 18:18
Today is the day!