View Full Version : Sweaty palms!!!!!

18-01-14, 20:48
I have took a 5mg of diazepam I don't feel that anxious but my palms are soaking no matter what! Can anyone relate? Is it a Side effect of sertraline?

Thanks guys

18-01-14, 23:18
Have you had a blood test recently? I steer away from diagnosing but I've heard hot hands can be due to an overactive thyroid which would come up in a blood test, but it's most likely just your overworked adrenaline from anxiety as mentioned on the previous thread.

18-01-14, 23:20
It definitely can be a ongoing symptom of anxiety- and I know my doctor said it was an often experienced side effect of Sertraline. If it is due to the meds it will likely go away soon. Can't recall how long you have been on them, but I am pretty certain you are still in early days, right?