View Full Version : what just happened!? seizure/panic attack

18-01-14, 21:47
i'm so frightened. Today has continued with the headaches and sickness worsening however earlier I began to feel calm and settled.

As i was sat on the laptop a horrible feeling of heat randomly came over me and i had to lie down & took my top off cos i felt so incredibly hot. Whilst laying down the heat surged through me and rose from my stomach, through my back, into my head and down my arms, it felt like a prickly hot feeling and was absolutely horrifying. i felt like i was dying and began to panic and shouted for help, my parents both came in and the feeling of panic stayed for about 5 minutes till it went away. I was begging them to ring an ambulance because i thought i was dying.

It came from nowhere and has left me feeling so, so shook up. I knew seizures were common with brain tumours and i'm so scared i had one as partial seizures can often be confused with panic attacks and this was the worst feeling i've had in my life. I started citalopram yesterday and i don't know if this has anything to do with things.

It is the most petrifying experience of my life and i have no idea why it happened. I have had dizziness, nausea, sickness, worsening headaches and now this completely random panic attack/seizure, i don't know what it was. I'm so frightened i'm considering going private for an MRI as i know something is not right with me and this proves it.

18-01-14, 22:02
Panic attack! Sorry your feeling terrible, I can sympathise, big hugs xx

18-01-14, 22:02
Dave if you were having a seizure you'd know about it, you'd be convulsing or at least losing consciousness.

You have to stop fighting your anxiety, you need too ACCEPT

I know it's hard when you feel soo ill but you have to realise that there's NO way 6 doctors could have missed something. you need too find something to relax you, and I know the symptoms will persist. it takes time for a tensed up nervous system to heal, but you have to learn to accept each feeling as it comes. if your fighting something it's only going to fight back!

I see Newcastle won earlier :)

18-01-14, 22:07
What was this and why was it so random!? It was literally horrible, I can't hold down any food and my head is thumping. I keep getting hot flashes again and I'm scared it's going to happen again. The tingling rose from my stomach to my head and down my arms, it felt red hot and tingly, I'm so frightened by it. That was the scariest moment of my life. Just as I was trying to accept it was anxiety this happens, I'm in bits.

18-01-14, 22:10
You wrote the feeling came from your stomach, what does that tell you? :)

You'll get better Dave :)

18-01-14, 22:12
The heat started in my head but rose from my stomach and it came from nowhere. I'm just getting worse, the headaches the sickness and now this, I really want an MRI I'm beyond myself with fear.

18-01-14, 22:13
What was this and why was it so random!? It was literally horrible, I can't hold down any food and my head is thumping. I keep getting hot flashes again and I'm scared it's going to happen again. The tingling rose from my stomach to my head and down my arms, it felt red hot and tingly, I'm so frightened by it. That was the scariest moment of my life. Just as I was trying to accept it was anxiety this happens, I'm in bits.

It is anxiety, that's why it's called panic attack. ;) Don't worry-it's actually a good sign, a sign that it's anxiety causing your problems and not something else! We all get these-that's why the whole site is called No More Panic.

And another thing-seizures are totally different. THIS is seizure:


And what you describe is a classic, good ole panic attack.

Cheer up mate, it's scary I know but nothing worrisome. ;)

18-01-14, 22:16
But people say that these panic attacks can be mistaken for partial seizures? I have no idea where it came from or how it happened I just felt so hot then the burning tingles rose through me and all through my upper half. That was so, so frightening. It has made me very sick and shook up. I just don't understand the sickness I'm experiencing lately. I really want a scan to rule a brain tumour out once and for all

18-01-14, 22:22
But people say that these panic attacks can be mistaken for partial seizures? I have no idea where it came from or how it happened I just felt so hot then the burning tingles rose through me and all through my upper half. That was so, so frightening. It has made me very sick and shook up. I just don't understand the sickness I'm experiencing lately. I really want a scan to rule a brain tumour out once and for all

Yeah, and people say that Princes Dianna was abducted by aliens too ;) Don't listen what Tom, Dick or Harry says-listen to your doctors.

Stress and anxiety is accumulated in your body, and it's just bursting to the surface-that's panic attack for you. But the mere thing you had it should convince you that anxiety is your main and only problem.

Let me put it this way: panic attack is for anxiety what MRI is for a brain tumour-gives you very clear picture. In this case that you're suffering from an anxiety disorder. ;)

18-01-14, 22:23
I get the tingles all the time, definitely a panic attack

18-01-14, 22:26
Have you ever experienced something similar and out of the blue? People don't seem to suffer with sickness as much as me either? Whenever I eat I feel incredibly nauseous. I'm so frightened that's going to happen again. I thought panic attacks were triggered by something. I saw a doctor earlier and he explained my headaches aren't like brain tumour ones and that he's 99.9% sure it's not a brain tumour but the only way to know for certain is an MRI. I read a stat that said 40% of brain tumour sufferers had to push for a scan themselves as the doctors misdiagnosed them

---------- Post added at 22:26 ---------- Previous post was at 22:25 ----------

These tingles were different, I always have symptoms but this was so intense. Incredibly hot then burning prickly feelings rising through me over my head and down my arms coupled with intense dizziness

18-01-14, 22:28
I do think that you should have an MRI just in case, but what you've described doesn't sound like a seizure and could easily be attributed to anxiety.

18-01-14, 22:29
Have you ever experienced something similar and out of the blue? People don't seem to suffer with sickness as much as me either? Whenever I eat I feel incredibly nauseous. I'm so frightened that's going to happen again. I thought panic attacks were triggered by something. I saw a doctor earlier and he explained my headaches aren't like brain tumour ones and that he's 99.9% sure it's not a brain tumour but the only way to know for certain is an MRI. I read a stat that said 40% of brain tumour sufferers had to push for a scan themselves as the doctors misdiagnosed them

Not from HA, but I did experience panic attack once-it was before my final exam. It was 6 years ago but I still remember it fairly well and it was very similar to what you experienced.

Of course they are triggered-by anxiety. In my case, it was fear that I wouldn't graduate on time, in your case it was health anxiety.

18-01-14, 22:30
Very much a panic attack. When I had my first and only massive one I phoned an ambulance thinking I was dying. I ran out of my house and was knocking on the neighbours doors cause I was home alone, the kids were in bed and I didn't want to die and leave them alone. That's how scared I was! It is a crazy crazy feeling and takes a long time to get your head around it but I do think if it was something more sinister it would have been much worse and for much longer.

18-01-14, 22:30
It came from nowhere though I felt fine for one second then this happened the next. I have so many brain tumour symptoms I'm petrified. They won't give me an MRI either. I can't live like this, I can't even eat without being sick I know that it's something severe and not just my anxiety

18-01-14, 22:32
I know that it's something severe and not just my anxiety

Says who? :)

18-01-14, 22:36
It's gone on for so long now and my symptoms are worsening no matter what I do it has progresses from tingling and dizziness to headaches, sickness, dizziness, nausea and now what just happened earlier. I have not read about anyone going through this and all my symptoms add up to a brain tumour, especially how they're worsening. I know within myself that there is something severely wrong

18-01-14, 22:40
It's gone on for so long now and my symptoms are worsening no matter what I do it has progresses from tingling and dizziness to headaches, sickness, dizziness, nausea and now what just happened earlier. I have not read about anyone going through this and all my symptoms add up to a brain tumour, especially how they're worsening. I know within myself that there is something severely wrong

Didn't we agree last very night that if you don't treat illnesses, they progress?

18-01-14, 22:41

Here's what I suggest you do. Go to the American Cancer Society website and sign up. Then go to the discussion boards to the brain cancer forum. Ask the folks there about your symptoms. See what real people suffering from your fear have to say.

The very kind and experienced people here are giving you top notch advice and relaying their very real experience but you apparently know better than they do as well as the medical professionals you've seen.

Sorry to be so blunt but your mental state is preventing you from seeing the trees through the forest.

Positive thoughts

18-01-14, 22:44
But I have treat my illness, I've taken my mess and I've been out shopping again today. I had a fairly productive day. This came from literally nowhere.

Fishmanpa- I've looked on brain tumour forums and seen them discuss how often they were misdiagnosed with anxiety/stress before their diagnosis. I come on here cos I'm so frightened at my symptoms and how they're worseningn and want hope that people have had similar and gotten through but no one seems to have suffered as many symptoms as me or anything similar to what happened to me out of the blue earlier

18-01-14, 22:44

My panic attacks (I have had four severe ones.) all came on out of the clear blue. One out of a dead sleep. The others when I was relaxing at home with my family.

When your MRI comes back all clear will you believe 100% at that time that it is anxiety that is making you ill, or will you still "know within yourself that something is severely wrong?"

My heart aches for you, but your panic attack today is all too familiar to me.

18-01-14, 22:46
But I have treat my illness, I've taken my mess and I've been out shopping again today. I had a fairly productive day. This came from literally nowhere.

True. But as soon as you were presented with a hurdle-you went into denial again. Long road to cover, long term thinking, remember? I thought we had a deal last night ;)

18-01-14, 22:50
Toomuchtolivefor- what were your panic attacks like? I've never had one before and I'm very confused about how it happened, it was horrible. I haven't said anything but I had a cousin who passed away from a brain tumour and with my worsening symptoms I really do fear the worst

---------- Post added at 22:50 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

Andrash- I really appreciate your support. I'm trying my best but today the head pains and sickness have been worse than ever. I really can't keep anything down at the minute and what happened earlier was horrendous and so out of the blue, I'm really shook up. I wish I hadn't read about people having seizures misdiagnosed as panic attacks it's really for me frightened

18-01-14, 22:50
I haven't said anything but I had a cousin who passed away from a brain tumour and with my worsening symptoms I really do fear the worst

Ok, we know more now. It was probably your trigger point. But you are NOT your cousin Dave. You are somebody completely different.

Brain tumours are incredibly rare, and there is virtually no chance that brain tumour will develop twice in same family in relatively short amount of time.

Just go to sleep, and tomorrow go to the shops again. Go with your friends. Watch Chelsea-United :) No matter how sick you feel, just carry on-because it's perceived sickness, not real sickness. Slowly, but surely, you'll overcome this.

There will be more hurdles-but in the long run, you will win.

And for god sake, stop reading. Just block medical sites, firewall them, and cancel your Daily Fail too. Every time you even think about reading medical stuff on the net-just come to this forum instead. Or read a book. Just restrain yourself from reading and self-diagnosing. And don't thank me-as we all said before, we all went/are going through similar or same things. We all help each-other. :)

18-01-14, 22:56
no one seems to have suffered as many symptoms as me or anything similar to what happened to me out of the blue earlier

On the contrary, I've read the threads and many here have said they've suffered most if not all of the symptoms you've experienced. And this IS an anxiety forum after all. Somewhere inside, you have to be accepting what the doctors have told you or you wouldn't be here.

Positive thoughts

18-01-14, 22:59
The sickness is very real I struggle to hold down food and often have to try very hard not to vomit. It's so hard though when I'm struggling and people out there are talking about how often they were misdiagnosed and the symptoms they suffered from which are alarmingly similar to mine. The daily mail also specialise I'm misdiagnosed brain tumours and have some alarming stories in their articles and comment sections. My symptoms are honestly real not perceived Andrash, I really can't help them

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ----------

Fishmanpa- I really wish it was anxiety but my symptoms are worsening and the vomiting and headaches are becoming more frequent, I can't help that. What happened earlier was seriously petrifying I just want to know if anyone had experienced something similar. I'm really petrified, sorry if I'm annoying you and other members of the forum it's not my intention, I'm just scared and have found this forum to be a great source of support with the many kind and helpful posters like yourself.

18-01-14, 23:04
The sickness is very real I struggle to hold down food and often have to try very hard not to vomit. It's so hard though when I'm struggling and people out there are talking about how often they were misdiagnosed and the symptoms they suffered from which are alarmingly similar to mine. The daily mail also specialise I'm misdiagnosed brain tumours and have some alarming stories in their articles and comment sections. My symptoms are honestly real not perceived Andrash, I really can't help them

---------- Post added at 22:59 ---------- Previous post was at 22:57 ----------

Fishmanpa- I really wish it was anxiety but my symptoms are worsening and the vomiting and headaches are becoming more frequent, I can't help that. What happened earlier was seriously petrifying I just want to know if anyone had experienced something similar. I'm really petrified, sorry if I'm annoying you and other members of the forum it's not my intention, I'm just scared and have found this forum to be a great source of support with the many kind and helpful posters like yourself.

When I said perceived I didn't mean they're not real, I meant they are not caused by REAL WEAKNESS in your body (lymphoma, brain tumour and so on) but by anxiety.Don't worry-I honestly believe you experience everything you describe.

18-01-14, 23:05
Well, it stands to reason that you have fears of a brain tumor since you have had a tragic experience within your family, but that type of post traumatic stress is very likely what is triggering your anxiety.

My attacks were so Hell-ish that they are one big blur. I felt like I lost complete touch with reality a couple of times in them......interestingly, I bet if I had one like that now it would never get as far as I understand more about them and what is happening within in them and the panic doesn't spiral as much.
Mine came up from my legs and stomach at the same it came down from my head. It was white hot heat with what felt like fire ants biting me everywhere. I guess it was dizziness that I was experiencing, but the intensity was so bad that it felt like someone lifted up my scalp and was just swirling my brain around and around with a hot poker. I was breathing fast, hard, and deep (I thought), but couldn't get any air. I felt like I was plugged into an electrical outlet, and my heart was racing out of control and pounding through my chest. I could barely feel my arms and legs and they felt terribly heavy. I felt completely detached from reality, and I had to run for the toilet as my body would immediately flush everything out. Just writing this makes me wince as I remember.

AND- they came out of NOWHERE......now, of course, I know I had an anxiety order building- meaning I had adrenaline pumping out more and more when I didn't need or want it to- but I didn't "feel" anxious, or "feel" depressed, so I also was convinced I had at either a brain tumor, was having strokes, a tumor on my adrenals, etc......I didn't. I have post traumatic stress induced anxiety which in turn led to panic disorder.

Here is why it is CRUCIAL for you to get the help you need right away. Now that you have had this attack you are going to be in fear of having another one. You will be watching like a guard dog for it to attack, and by doing so- you will cause it to happen. Your body is listening to your thoughts, and it thinks you are in danger because you are telling it so! So, therefore your sympathetic nervous system is gearing you up for "fight or flight" and releasing more adrenaline into your system.....and that is going to cause more symptoms, prolonged symptoms, new symptoms, etc.

My heart goes out to you, but I want to urge you to rise up with any rational thoughts you can muster.

18-01-14, 23:05
Don't worry about annoying us. I understand your fear and need for reassurance.

I remember a period of time where I was so anxious that I would vomit after nearly every meal. Vomiting is a fairly common anxiety symptom.

Do pain relievers or anti-anxiety medication help alleviate your symptoms?

18-01-14, 23:06
I'm really petrified, sorry if I'm annoying you and other members of the forum it's not my intention, I'm just scared and have found this forum to be a great source of support with the many kind and helpful posters like yourself.

It's not annoying. I've seen this here before and knowing that nothing anyone can say will help is just sad to me :( It's painfully obvious that no amount of logic or reassurance is helping. Knowing that it will probably take you hitting rock bottom before you seek the help you really need doesn't lessen the concern. Even those in the midst of their own battles with the dragon can see it. I truly wish you the best.

Positive thoughts

18-01-14, 23:23
Also, dear friend, my sister has struggled with constant vomiting due to anxiety her entire life. My mom is almost borderline anorexic due to anxiety and no other reason.

My symptoms in addition to my panic attacks grew worse and worse- that is why they call it panic disorder, not general anxiety disorder. Your symptoms ARE VERY REAL--- the reason you think they are happening is not. There is no such thing as "only anxiety". It is a terrible illness that can STEAL your life, but can't TAKE it.

---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

A better way for me to say that is that anxiety can keep you from living, but it can't take your life.

---------- Post added at 17:23 ---------- Previous post was at 17:11 ----------

Can you remind me of your meds- how long and what dose?

19-01-14, 00:54
I'm taking citalopram 20mg and this is my specks day of taking it. I still feel incredibly hot inside but I am not sweating at all on the outside, it's a horrible feeling and I'm worried that the burning tingles are going to come again as this is what happened last time and it felt like I was about to die. I don't know how to get this under control, when I feel sick after eating and feel so extremely hot when I'm doing nothing I can't fight back against whatever it is: I thought panic attacks were accompanied by sweating but mine never are I just feel so hot inside. Particularly in the back of my neck and back of my head

19-01-14, 01:13
I actually have never had sweats with my panic attacks either- in fact, I got the shivers sometimes at the same time with the heat waves.

I am glad to hear you are on citalopram. We will be here for you as you go through the early days of starting up a SSRI. It really will TAKE TIME for it to help- but it will.

Are you well educated about the truths about panic attacks? Have you read any of Dr. Claire Weeks' works? If you have an understanding about how severely your nervous system can affect everything- it may help you see this in a very clear, rational way. I believe someone posted that you can find talks of hers on YouTube as well.

Right now your fear of the panic attack is causing more adrenaline which in turn could cause another attack. These are only normal body sensations and functions, but they feel SO TRAUMATICALLY AWFUL that it is hard not to fear them, I know.

If you can do diaphragmatic breathing- it WILL help as it triggers your parasympathetic nervous system to kick it. It is your "rest and digest" system as opposed to your sympathetic nervous system which is "fight or flight." When the symptoms are happening- you need to accept they cannot hurt you, and if you can- picture yourself floating above them. Investigate them as if you are outside of them and just watching them. You can even try to "feel them to their fullest" -- it is just adrenaline. It cannot truly hurt you, although it can be traumatic until you understand that.

I remember what it was like around three months ago when I was in torment. I got the right tools- and here I am ready and able to share with you how to move forward and out of this nightmare. If you will commit to the steps to fight this dragon- you will be where I am before you know it- and ready to help the next poor soul that has been called to choose whether to be a prisoner of the dragon or a dragon slayer.

(I have a post called "Musings": the Dragon Within"--- you might find it interesting.)

---------- Post added at 19:12 ---------- Previous post was at 19:09 ----------


Read this, MrDave.....

---------- Post added at 19:13 ---------- Previous post was at 19:12 ----------


And this.....

19-01-14, 01:18
I'm sat here now in a cold room feeling extremely hot & sick with headaches hoping it doesn't happen again or I don't have a seizure. The symptoms came before the panic which was another alarming thing, I really don't know where it came from, so frightening that a hot flash can lead to that. I will look at the works when I'm feeling in a better frame of mind, they sound like they could be helpful. I really hope so I just seem to be in a horrible patch at the minute and hope it goes :( the back of my neck feels like it's on fire but it's not hot to touch

19-01-14, 01:37
No. Don't wait to look at the links I posted. You want to start your path to healing?

Start now.

19-01-14, 01:47
I looked and found them informative. I still don't get why the heat and burning tingles came before the panic, it doesn't make sense to me. My neck veins feels very swollen at the minute and I'm feeling very unwell. I'm meant to start university again soon and I have no idea what to do! Is what happened earlier definitely not a seizure or partial seizure?

19-01-14, 02:12
It was not a seizure. It was a panic attack.

"Panic" is just a name we have attached to the severe feeling we have when adrenaline floods our body. Because you don't believe it is anxiety (adrenaline) then you are going to have a hard time accepting any of these truths, but the fact is- the adrenaline started flooding your body causing the symptoms, and then your emotional reaction of fear caused more adrenaline to course through- until you reached that point we call a panic attack.

19-01-14, 02:24
I just don't understand why I'm still feeling so hot now and so shaken up by everything. This is really awful! The burning tingling feeling only seemed to last for about a minute but it was so disturbing and the aftermath was terrible. My back still feels a bit tingly now. I want to believe its anxiety but it's making me so sick at the minute that I'm struggling not to believe it's something much worse, in particular a brain tumour. I keep going hot and cold tonight I really can't regulate my temperature

19-01-14, 02:36
It is because you are so shaken up by everything that you are still feeling the tingles and heat.....your sympathetic nervous system is pouring adrenaline into your system because you keep telling your body you are in danger. After my last panic attack I became so sick that for about a week I wanted to beg to be let go out of this life- I was in such torment. I wasn't even in full blown attacks at that point, but instead my state of anxiety was so high that it was crippling. Almost like a panic attack that never went away.

Dearest Dave, I am sad that I can't help you see reason right now- as I know how terrified you are. Go back and re-read the link about panic attacks I sent you and try to read it with as much rationale as you can.

19-01-14, 02:51
I have had panic attacks where they started from my stomach up. It happened twice a few years ago while I was at work. It started with an intense fire that shot up to my head. When it hit my throat I knew I was a gonner . I thought something would burst in my brain. Afterwords I shook uncontrollably and my heart was racing. I have been suffering off and on with spells like these since 2001. I have also feared brain tumors, strokes, anuerisms. 7 years ago I went through a period for a couple weeks where I lost part of my vision on 4 different occasions. I tried to get my doctor to refer me for a MRI, but she assured me that these were just occular migraines and if I had a MRI and it came up clear I would start focusing on symptoms elsewhere. That is what we do when we have health anxiety. You are feeling so sick because your mind and body are so wound up from the anxiety. IT WILL SUBSIDE. You need to try to focus on other things. Watch comedies, do puzzles , rock out to music. When you get a thought about your health or symptoms don' t google it just push it out of your mind and think about something nice. I still struggle daily, but I get by somehow. Don't let it hang around as long as mine has. Continuously tell yourself you are fine , you are healthy and life is good.

19-01-14, 07:11
Dave, you remind me of me!
I was convinced last year that I had something awful wrong with me, I had headaches every morning and a constant feeling of dizziness... I even lost 2 stone I was throwing up that much and couldn't eat anything...
However I feel that I can't offer you advice you need as I am still battling this anxiety and have similar fears to you with the seizures... I mean it happend yesterday if you look further down this forum... I was walking around feeling good then bam out the blue I get a surge of heat over me I feel like my brains shifted and I get this odd "deep" and sinking sensation then I get really dizzy and my skins starts to burn and I run to he loo as I think ok going to throw up! It was a nasty "spell" and I do worry that it wasn't a panic attack but when you can start to see clearly and have symptom free hours you will realise how much this panic can cause... I hope you start to feel better soon and you need to listen what people say... So do I to be fair!

19-01-14, 13:43
Just checking in as it is morning here, and I wondered how your day is going. I hope you are getting some rest as you were still posting into what had to be the early morning hours for you.
Today is a new day, and a day that you can really start to plant the seeds for your recovery. Please find it in yourself to focus on fighting for yourself- this means first ACCEPTING that you have an illness- it is anxiety.....and you can beat it!

19-01-14, 14:03
Dave, you are in the midst of an out of control spiraling of anxiety. There is nothing that anyone here can say or do that will convince you that this is merely anxiety. You need to get some professional help. We've all been there before-no shame in that fact.

I don't think that you're at a point where you can get yourself out of your own mind, fear and panic in order to listen and take in what people are trying to say. That's okay. Many of us have been there before.

With that said, here goes. You have an anxiety disorder, not a brain tumor. My panic attacks came out of the blue many times. No obvious trigger point. I had all of the same symptoms that you had. Incredible heat on the inside of my body. Feeling like I wanted to run for help. Call someone and scream help. Call an ambulance.

I had headaches, migraines, dizzy, upset stomach, diarrhea and vomiting. I had no appetite and couldn't eat. If I did manage to eat, it didn't stay down long.

I started to avoid and to be afraid of the panic attacks. I constantly wanted to know why. That was the biggest mistake that I made. Before I knew it, my avoidance and fear had led to agoraphobia and increased panic attacks.

I did not have a brain tumor. I had and will always have an anxiety disorder.

The good news is that I am in charge of my anxiety disorder. I am in charge of my recovery. But I had to get to a place to accept it and to do the appropriate steps to get to a place of recovery.

Please go to your doctor. Ask for CBT and professional counseling. You need professionals to assist you at this point.

19-01-14, 14:23
Tanner is spot on, Dave. We all feel your pain as we have been in that terrorizing spiral of fear- and because we share the same disorder- anxiety.

Seek professional help, and know we are here to support your steps forward!

19-01-14, 19:06
Mr Dave, I no your symptoms are scary.I have had terrible heat on my head for the past few days. I can feel the heat at the side of my head an it petrified me. I get intense heat all through my body and tingling and feeling sick.

It's anxiety. I have trouble believing it myself sometimes.

Hope yr feeling better today

Mandir x

20-01-14, 01:15
Been thinking about you today, MrDave,....how are you doing?

20-01-14, 12:30
thanks for the comments and concern everyone. Sorry i wasn't on here yesterday I had a very bad day. I spent most of the day in bed shook up after what happened with the panic attack & when i did get up i felt extremely hot inside, almost boiling as well as nauseous/dizzy. I had no appetite and shortly after eating the hot feeling came over me again and i was sick. I went back to bed and the hot prickling feeling came over me again then i began hallucinating and ended up downstairs. I was really worried i'd had a seizure/fit and my parents were extremely worried as well, i came around after a while.

We went to the doctors today and she ruled out a brain tumour again and said i didn't have a fit/seizure. She said they wouldn't give me an MRI as it would only reassure me temporarily and it would put me at an unnecessary risk of radiation. She explained anxiety well and seemed to understand the real physical symptoms it causes. She felt i was having a bad reaction to the citalopram and swapped it for fluoxetine which she thinks may suit me better.

I still feel very ill today with a bad head and nausea, as well as the hot tingling feeling within me which isn't pleasant at all. The headaches still seem to be getting worse as the days go on which always stops me in my path when i try to accept it's anxiety and not a brain tumour. All i can eat at the minute is toast and i'm quite nervous about starting the fluoxetine after the side effects i experienced with citalopram.

20-01-14, 13:26
I'm surprised they didn't prescribe you Sert, it's fairly mild side effects so I thought they might.

Anyway, basically what's happened with you now is your living in fear of the panic attacks, which in turn is going to make you release more adrenalin and create even more problems because your in constant fear of something that's apparently just around the corner. I think it's finally time you need to accept the anxiety, starting today :)

Maybe get lots of sleep as well, your probably exhausted. I want to recommend to you Claire Week's book Self-Help for your nerves as well.

Have a good day, did you see the Newcastle game? the united game was pretty good too, poor Andrash ;)

semper solus
20-01-14, 13:42
There are hundreds of symptoms accociated with epilepsy. Some of which you are not aware of.
If your worried go see your doctor for a chat
Chances are you have just got a bug of some sorts

20-01-14, 13:49
i'm not sure if it was a panic attack or a reaction to the drug. I just felt hot prickles all over me and it was really strange. Yeah the Newcastle game was a good boost to my mood! we're better away from home than at home this season. Haha poor Andrash, United are in desperate need of some new signings. I don't think they'll get them either.

sempre solus-I talked to my doctor and she said it wasn't epilepsy, a seizure or a fit

semper solus
20-01-14, 13:55
That's good your doctor has said that.

20-01-14, 13:57
Well, as bad as it is, at least Moyes can serve as a good example for how to fight anxiety-he refused to panic even after yesterday :D

20-01-14, 13:58
I know, they're playing well. they just need to keep Remy and cabaye and they could surprise some people.

I don't think united will manage to sign anyone to be honest, I could even go so far as to say that Rooney, vidic ect will leave. I've heard that Chelsea may offer Mata for Rooney but I highly doubt it. I can't understand why Moyes has been given so much time, even his old team Everton are doing better!

Regarding the meds, maybe you should try and start on a half dose and ease your way in? I did that and I'm pretty sure it helped :)

20-01-14, 14:19
i really hope we don't sell Cabaye he has been brilliant lately, we're average without him.

agreed, RVP will be off too. I can't see that happening in all honesty, I think Cabaye would be perfect for United but i hope they don't bid for him!

Maybe, i've just taken one about an hour ago so i'll see how that goes. I really want to start exercising but i've read it effects you :unsure:

I just don't like how my headaches keep getting worse day by day after reading comments from a guy who said the main symptom of a brain tumour is progressively worsening headaches!

20-01-14, 14:27
We were hit hard by injuries-key players were healthy last year, now they are not. We lack depth in the squad-ten years of glazernomics bled us dry. Moyes is not to be blamed for this-the team is simply not good enough and he wasn't supported adequately in the market. And even if he resigns or is sacked,there are no better managers available. The club made a massive mistake by not hiring Mourinho instead of him, but that was also a part of glazernomics austerity-he was recruited because they wanted to save money. Mourinho would have asked for much bigger salary and busget for new players.

20-01-14, 14:34
My headaches worsened until I stopped worrying about them, I still think you should explore the possibility of a TMJ problem. My guard helped me sooo much.

I've just started jogging whilst on Sert and I feel fine, albeit a little dizzy sometimes, i put that down too not keeping hydrated. I'm not too sure about flux though.

I think I read that PSG want cabaye but I don't know, transfer rumours can be pretty usueless.

20-01-14, 14:41
I never follow transfer chat; just check from time to time in the official site whether we brought someone...

20-01-14, 14:45
I don't blame you, if Arsenal had got all the people we've been linked with over the last couple of months we would have won the league already aha :)

20-01-14, 14:47
they just came from nowhere and seem to be progressing, i get cold drip like feelings on my head & the burning head as well, still worry about MS with the tingling as well but neurological exams and optic nerve tests should have picked this up.

Hmm i really don't want to have to stop exercising, not drinking alcohol i could accept but no alcohol and no exercise to take its place would be tough.

Andrash- i read an interesting stat that United are unbeaten when RVP & Rooney start together, who knows where you'd be this season if they'd both stayed fit. Tough luck for Moyes

20-01-14, 20:28
Yeah, Arsenal had that problem for the last years, but United's closing down the gap fairly quickly. I read somewhere that the club was linked with 122 players since the summer :D

Rooney and RVP are two world-beaters we have in the squad. It's not enough. Used to have a lot more-Ronaldo, Scholes, Giggs (he's sadly way past his prime now), Tevez, Beckham, Keane etc. Two is not enough-when they're playing we're fine-but one injury and two months of your season goes down the drain. That's exactly what's happening now :(

I really hope they'll be fit from February till May because with them two in the team I don't worry for the 4th place. Without-it'll be really tough...Unless we sign somebody now, but that's highly unlikely with Hobbit/Golum duo (Woodward and Moyes :) ) in place.

20-01-14, 20:51

i can usually tell when i'm having a panic attack, cos 1 of my main symptoms is a hot flush effect

this is like a wave of hot prickly feelings moving right from my toes all the way upto my head,
absolutely horrible, but not life threatening

hope this helps you mrdave

com'on the toon :yesyes:

20-01-14, 23:03
Thanks jacki- it's reassuring to know I'm not alone!

I've felt a lot calmer tonight but my head pains are becoming much more frequent. I never get headaches but this has lasted for days now. Short sharp pains and short dull aches all over my head every 20 minutes or so, really worrying. I read somewhere that progressively worsening headaches are a huge brain tumor symptom but I'm trying to remain calm, I never usually get headaches at all. I had them before my medication began but tonight after 20mg Prozac they are particularly bad :unsure: