View Full Version : hi I'm new

18-01-14, 23:48
Just wanted to introduce myself, I've just joined and have never used forum/chatroom before ao am quite nervous. I have general anxiety, panic attacks, phobia, social anxiety, insomnia and depression for 15 years. I have always hid it and never discussed with anyone until this week. It has totally taken over my life, I have moved home to ireland from uk with my son because of this and have had to leave his father behind for the moment, as I am unable to mind my son myself due to change in my behaviour, I now have no patience, am short tempered and am fatigued amongst other things which dont mix with a toddler. I feel so guilty about this. I stopped breastfeeding abrupty due to medication in a&e three weeks ago after 19months and think the hormone crash has greatly contributed to my heightened anxiety and panic attacks at the moment. I have no friends and have become reclusive. I alternate between being very social and then when I have bad episodes I cant maintain any friendships and cut myself off and hide away from world in my bed. I have had to quit jobs in past also. I feel very lonely and isolated. I find it difficult to talk to my family and partner about how I feel, not because they are unsupportive though because they are being very patient with me. I have generally a minimum of two panic attacks daily, usually in the night. This week I have made a number of steps to try gain understanding and try manage my situation. I have met with a psychotherapist who I really liked and will be going to see her twice a week. I have had acupuncture twice, reflexology and reki, I have changed my diet to sugar, caffine free (i dont drink so am alcohol free anyways), low gi and mainly alkaline forming, high magnesium, omega, and I have joined two yoga classes also, I visited my gp and had ecg, and got prescription for lexipro and zimmovane (although it is still in my coat pocket I have not decided whether to go to pharmacy). Even though I have really pushed myself to actively make changes, I still feel awful. I run about 6 hours a week on treadmill also. Sorry for long post!

19-01-14, 00:00
Hi Freckles, not been here long myself, I am sure you will get some good advise and help from here, I myself have had problems for many years and just got on with life not really knowing what was going on, so hang in there, you are not alone, hope you get the advice and help you need

19-01-14, 00:04
Thank you itman for reading and responding, it is nice to know people can relate because it is so easy to feel like losing mind due to the constant anxiety, same wishes to u.

19-01-14, 00:07
are you getting any help elsewhere?

19-01-14, 00:14
I have started psychotherapy with mindfulness and cbt this week, and I have begun a number of alternative therapies, really trying to actively make some improvements to feel better, my son is my motivation, I am very grateful for this. What about u?

19-01-14, 10:46
i am on this Health Minds program which is a web based cbt thing with telephone support, will see if it helps, if not I will go private and get some one to one help. Good luck with your psychotherapy.

19-01-14, 12:09

You certainly will get some good advice here . There`s plenty of members on the forum to offer some good help and support . Remember you are not alone .You seem to isolate yourself from the outside world like myself . I , like yourself , do exactly the same , even with members of my own family and friends as they don`t have a clue about anxiety and mental illness. .I find it much easier to talk to people who are going through the same or similar , rather than having to explain myself every 5 mins to someone that doesnt have this .It only makes me feel worse

I suffered on and off with agoraphobia for 10 years and there`s nothing worse than being alone stuck in doors day in day out with no one and losing touch with friends I had and even a few family members.Anyway I`m slowly making progress and you seem to be doing all the right things to get you on your way to recovery . I know you say you feel awful , in time though I`m sure you can overcome this and start to enjoy your life again , just stick at it :hugs:

All the best


19-01-14, 19:46
Itman good luck with the online and telephone, i found the one to one nice for myself because i finally spoke aloud rather than keeping everything spinning in my head, i am looking forward to my next session on tuesday. But it was a big challenge to actually take the step to arrange the psychotherapist.

Antonio2301..hello! Thanks for reading and responding! It is quite comforting and reassuring (when able to attempt positive thinking) to know that others can relate and obviously helps to accept not going crazy and losing mind, just off balance. Thank you for sharing your similar experiences with me, i really appreciate this.

19-01-14, 20:28
You're very welcome freckles .. Keep us updated on your progress ? :D I`m sure in time you will make good improvement