View Full Version : Intrusive Thoughts/Urges

19-01-14, 00:02
Hello everyone, let me first start off by saying thank you to everyone who shares there stories here as it gives me reassurance that I am not alone.

For approx. a year, I have been suffering from Intrusive thoughts of harming my loved ones, but they primarily focus on my Girlfriend who I am preparing to move in with. I know its a big step, but as we have been together for a long time I feel that it is appropriate. Its scary because these thoughts over the last few months have manifested into urges, which cause so much anxiety I'm almost afraid to be alone with her. I know this is irrational because I have never been violent before, but its scary nonetheless. I have met with a Therapist and he feels that its possible that I am just internalizing stress and frustration and this is what is causing these urges which is also frightening and causes continued anxiety. I began reading stories on here roughly an hour ago and felt comfortable enough to share my story as it is similar to many others that I have read and sharing makes me feel just a little bit less alone.

Again, thank you to everyone who shares there stories here. Its scary, but seeing others moving beyond this gives me hope


08-02-14, 11:11
Hi Tyler, all I can say is you won't act on the urges, it's the same as when you stand at a cliff edge or a bridge you get that weird urge to jump, and if you were a bad person you wouldn't be on here typing this message and you certainly wouldn't care about the thoughts. I can't help you heal yourself 100% so make sure you see a specialist in HOCD and get this fear fixed :) good luck