View Full Version : Final thing that bugs me

19-01-14, 01:13
Alohaaa everyone,

Right I'm pretty sure this is going to be my last thread on silly worries/symptoms, towards the top on my neck pretty much inline with my spine there's like a bump? I don't know if it's possibly my spine covered by a muscle, it's almost disk shaped and a little moveable?

I've had spots flare up on my neck as well but they seem to be going.

I should probably just delete this >.<

Thank you:shrug:

19-01-14, 01:21
Omg I was just going to make a thread about this haha

I've suffered from fears of almost everything and my latest is the neck/head cancer so I feel your pain

Mine is inline with my spine (maybe a tiny bit more to the right)
I expressed my discomfort with it to my GP who shrugged it off (I have the flu right now so he told me to come back when I feel normal) but he touched it didn't seem concerned

Does it cause you any pain? And has it grown?
I think pain and quick growth are signs you should look for... Otherwise were all pretty lumpy everywhere! Haha :)

19-01-14, 01:31
Ahaha wow, yeah mines slightly to the right as well, it doesn't cause me any pain but I have had a lot of tension in that area which I've attributed to my TMJ. it hasn't grown either :)

19-01-14, 01:37
I definitely have tmj issues myself so it looks like were in the same boat! :)

19-01-14, 11:10
Ah good, it seems to be a common thing here :)

19-01-14, 11:18
I got it too. TMJ the culprit, naturally :)