View Full Version : Should I just give in and take tablets?

19-01-14, 02:15
So this is year three of me having anxiety and agoraphobia. To be honest I sought help immediately when I had my first panic attacks, but the doctor was rude and said 'it's probably depression because you're overweight' She prescribed sertraline (?) and I'm afraid I was so angry I binned them later that day. I'm starting CBT but I've resisted drugs of any kind. I switched surgeries and now have a better GP but still, she's not super helpful.

This last week, I feel like I'm a piece of wire, being pulled tight. I can't relax, am having constant panic and anxiety. I wonder if I shouldn't see my GP and ask for tablets. I'm a mum and terrified that any tablet will turn me into a zombie.

Help! Your suggestions please folks xx

19-01-14, 09:17
SSRI's and other anti-depressants don't cause you to feel like a zombie. They may make you feel a bit low and a bit shakey for the first 2-4 weeks but nothing more then that, you may not even notice anything.

It's best discussing this with your GP as we do not know your medical history and different medication works differently for different people. He may be able to recommend a type of medication that could best suit you or may tell you to go through the CBT before deciding.

19-01-14, 10:39
I have had problems of varying severity my whole life but avoided seeking help as I was worried about being labelled as mentally ill & how it would affect employment prospects, as well as the though of becoming dependent on medication & how it might affect me.

I did try to seek help a few years ago but was unlucky enough to be allocated to a dreadful temporary doctor at my local surgery who was both rude & unsympathetic. After seeing a private counsellor for several years which helped but not enough, I went back to my local surgery last November & was finally allocated to one of the senior partners who is excellent.

I have been on Citalopram for over two months now, the last four weeks of which have been on the higher dose of 40mg. Whilst I am more tired than usual, my emotions are still intact. They aren't 'happy pills' so my 'depression, anxiety, etc' hasn't gone, just been reduced to managable levels. I know I still have a long way to go before I am 'better' (whatever that is), but I certainly don't feel like a zombie & wish I had sought help much sooner.

If you need help then don't be afraid or ashamed of seeking it & I hope things improve for you soon. :)