View Full Version : Positive Moods

19-01-14, 12:35
Hello everyone,

I thought I'd start a thread about something that bothers me lately, almost every day I seem to end the day on a high I feel sooo positive and almost like I have no anxiety. I know it's still there but I just feel generally more happy. it's started to make me not want each day to end, it's also making my moods during the daytime a little low, as I feel like I'm just waiting for it to be dark.

How does everyone sustain a good mood?

The only thing I do during the night is jog and usually have a shower and something to eat, but it just feels like I'm a vampire or something. I use to love the sun :(

I have pretty bad social anxiety and agoraphobia, I guess this plays a part in it?

Thank you :)

19-01-14, 14:13
Luna, I think that we all have certain times of the day that our anxiety is better than others. That's pretty normal. some people feel better in the mornings and some people feel better in the evenings.
I don't think that most people maintain a great and positive mood for the entire day. At least for me, I think that would be an unrealistic expectation. Even folks without anxiety disorders aren't in a great mood all of the time.
It sounds like you're doing great. Keep up the good work.

19-01-14, 14:24
I understand, I guess I'd just like to feel a little better during the day.

Hmmm, maybe it will come in time. I guess there's no point trying to wrestle with the good times I do have!

Thank you and I hope things are going well for you also :)

19-01-14, 14:28
That's the attitude, Luna. The sooner that we accept the bad times, the paradox is that the bad times will become better. I'm doing well this morning and looking forward to a nice day.

19-01-14, 16:14
Don't think about it. Just let it happen :)