View Full Version : lost my eye site i dont mean it went black

19-01-14, 17:32
I went to wash my dishes and all off a sudden I could not see proper its was a bit like wen you look at a light bulb then look some were else you see a white blob but it was not just a blob it was the whole room I can only see out one eye and to not be able to see made me go into a compile at panic I was shaking all lover I am under a lot of stress at the moment with FAM probe and my anxiety sky high after my daughter massarfed my neck it came bk OK but so com
Nvinced I have a tumor as been saying feeling like I have so much pressure in my head my whole face as been tense all day dies or as any one else had this due to have eye test on 30th can't wait x

---------- Post added at 17:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:47 ----------

Just need to no were to put this thread

19-01-14, 17:45
I moved it Trish

19-01-14, 18:00
Trish, I had the exact same thing happen to me about 6 1/2 years ago. It happened 4 times in two weeks. I went to the emergency room once and they found nothing wrong and told me migraine. I had something pinched in my neck and thought that could have caused it but they said that it could not. When it happened when I was alone with my 7 month old I freaked out because I couldn't see her face. I called my husband and went to see my primary doctor. She said I was fine it was just an ocular migraine. I asked if it could be caused by stress and she said she didn't think so. I asked if I could be referred to a neurologist, but she said I didn't need to and scheduled me with an eye doctor. I went to the eye doctor and he said I had the healthiest eyes he had seen that day and explained more about ocular migraines. Apparently you get a blood vessel spasm in the part of brain that causes vision or in the blood vessels to your eye and you get visual disturbances without the headache. I now it is extremely frightening. I was already almost housebound with my anxiety and that was the final straw for a while. I was afraid it might happen again. I am sure it was caused by the tension in my body and the constant panic state I was in. It has never happened again. I hope this can ease your mind a little. Tiff

19-01-14, 20:08
Yes thanks I no my whole body is tense due to probe at home with my family I ave never been so scare in my life I no every panic attack is scarey and I ave had them since I was 12 I am now 58 so this was a new one I have had vision distiebace many times you now the squiggly. Colored lines but its never cover my whole eye before I don't have any vision in my right so only having one eye to work with lol and that was gone was ferry frightening thanks again Trish x

23-01-14, 14:11
I have had the same. I was told the same thing. Its been three times for me. Freeks me out.
I am now so heighten by vision that I feel I am creating some other vision issues.I totally understand how you feel. Mine has went away after 15 minutes.

23-01-14, 21:53
I am 100% sure this is migraine. I get the same it looks like when you look at the sun. Sometimes I get a bad headache after the 'aura' sometimes I don't. If it comes on again see if you get a headache afterwards.

I have had it where I don't get the lights too I just get blind spots on my eye and when I look in the mirror half of my face is missing in the blind spot.

I also get the kaleidescope colours and total blindness in one eye that lasts for about half an hour.

Nothing to worry about. Just the aura part of migraine.

Do mention it to your doctor though.

23-01-14, 22:08
Thanks for yr replies feel ,ore. At ease now all though since it happened I find myself waiting for it to happen again I didn't get a headache just had wat I call a heavy fuzzy head thanks again guys take care