View Full Version : Scottish Newbie

19-01-14, 17:55
Hi all, I have been about the site for last 4/5 weeks just reading through various threads etc and I can't talk highly enough of the site and the information contained within it. Thought it about time to introduce myself. I am a 41 year old male from Bonnybridge in Bonnie Scotland. I have my own small Electrical Contracting firm, employing 5 people. This certainly doesn't help with my illness (fibromyalgia diagnosed 12 years ago) as it can be very stressful at times. Had a lot of deadlines to make for the Xmas holidays and was extremely stressed, this triggered a fibro flare which in turn triggered various anxiety problems. Have had 4/5 weeks of hell and a terrible Christmas, wasn't out of bed much. I am slowly getting back to normal but still have the odd bad day when there is various strange aches/pains and the anxiety is lurking in the background. Not on any meds at all ( even for fibro) which I know doesn't help. Was on paroxetine for years but managed to come off that in October last year, got the brain zaps bad and still get the odd one now and again. I have a partner called Karen, 13 year old daughter and a year old King Charles spaniel, all who help me tremendously with my illness. The site has helped so much over the last few weeks and I look forward to talking to you all in the future.


19-01-14, 19:00
Hello and welcome Barry you will find lots of help and support here ,I have a king charles aswell and a new little puppy and they do help alot :D

19-01-14, 19:05
Hi Barry just wanted to :welcome: you to the forum, I have fibro and I know how this illness can make you feel. I am sure you will find loads of help and support on here.

19-01-14, 19:19
hi Barry :welcome: to the forum

19-01-14, 21:22
Hello and welcome Barry you will find lots of help and support here ,I have a king charles aswell and a new little puppy and they do help alot :D

Animals are great stress relief :)

Love my dogs!

19-01-14, 21:39
Hi and welcome :)