View Full Version : Feeling lonely and like no one will understand

19-01-14, 19:03
I'm so fed up of being alone. although my mum had been great in a lot of ways she just can't understand fully, and unless I am bursting out in tears or somthing she is just completely unsympathetic. My parents think I'm being miserable all the time, and they just can't understand or even notice when I'm feeling anxious and they just make it worse. it always seems to turn into my dad having a go at me and my mum agreeing with him and I'm just so fed up. of feeling frustrated, angry, upset and most of all it all seems to start by feeling unwell or somtimes just generally down. I feel like I have no one who I can properly talk too, I was seeing a private councillor but I stopped going because of the cost. I have tried to tell my friends and they were understanding about the stomach pain maybe for a week, but then life goes on and it seems unimportant too them and I guess they just don't notice that I feel so ill all the time. I'm in my last year of school which is absolutely hate at the moment, I feel so alone in my lessons, even though I have such good friends. I've been coping for so long but I just don't know how to do it anymore, although I have been feeling a little better physically I feel as though mentally I have just gone backwards and that it's never going to get better. I'm fed up of having dark thoughts, the fact that everyone dies, constantly thinking of cancer, people who have died, funerals I've been to I feel as though everything relates back to that. Even just reading a book, I feel like nothing can distract me, I feel really fed up of being so anxious in my own home and not being able to talk about it. I guess I needed to let it all out :( i so badly want my old care free self back, I resent myself for being this way, I just wanted to let it all out I guess.

19-01-14, 19:30
Your not alone, trust me. there are thousands of people like you, myself included :)

Your already doing better than me! I had to leave school and get home tutored! I'm now doing my A levels at home as well. Not only that, you have friends as well which everyone is lucky to have, try and talk to them properly and let them know how you feel. I lost all of mine due to my Anxiety.

You can do it, I know you can. And I know it's hard when parents don't understand, I found talking to mine helped a lot, even if it's just for five minutes, or you could even write them a little letter :)

I hope you feel better soon, and if you need someone to talk to just message me :)

19-01-14, 21:28
We can both do it :) thanks for the reply!! I find that I let it build up too much, I think if I let it out more it might make things easier, I have tried talking to my friends about it in the past, but I don't know, they don't really understand, they are there for me if I am really upset but they wouldn't understand how I feel day in day out... A bit like my mum really! But I know how luck I am to have such good friends and family so I don't want to come across as uncaring or loving because I do appreciate them so much.. I'm just finding it hard at the moment! Anyway hope everything with your a levels are going okay, thanks a lot you can also message me if you ever want to talk :D xx

19-01-14, 21:28
The last sentence you wrote there, about wanting to be your normal self, i couldn't agree with more. I make myself so angry that I have got my self into this state. I try and tell myself that I'm fine, and there is nothing wrong with me, but i realise now, i do have anxiety and i just need someone to talk to about it. Im here if you need to chat, everything is going to be okay, i promise :)

19-01-14, 21:36
The last sentence you wrote there, about wanting to be your normal self, i couldn't agree with more. I make myself so angry that I have got my self into this state. I try and tell myself that I'm fine, and there is nothing wrong with me, but i realise now, i do have anxiety and i just need someone to talk to about it. Im here if you need to chat, everything is going to be okay, i promise :)

You never got yourself into this state, but you can get yourself out of it with a lot of perseverance, after three years I'm still going so I'm sure you guys can too :) like I said, I'm always here if you need to talk.

Try not to fight your anxiety, accept it, only then can you start to work with it :)

19-01-14, 21:44
I think that's my problem, i try and fight it! My boyfriend once described Anxiety as unreasonable, which i found difficult to deal with, so i try not to show it around him. I am slowly learning to deal with it, but through out the day, one min im feeling positive, the next im feeling awful about it! So annoying!

19-01-14, 21:58
I know how you feel, I think it's quite hard for people who've never experienced it to understand how hard it can be, keep at it. I'm sure you'll get through it :)

20-01-14, 15:56
I completely agree, as I said before, my parents are great to a certain extent, but they just can't understand fully how it's with me each day even when I'm happy, somtimes it must seem like I'm bi polar haha, but it's more because they don't notice that I am feeling Anxious and can never truly understand :( but yes we can deffo get through this :)

20-01-14, 16:08

I'm the same, I feel like i'm a different person with my medication. How do you guys cope with exams and lectures...? I've found that my medication completely screwed with my memory.

I too resorted to a private counsellor, the NHS only provided me with a CBT 30 minute session x 6.... But like you they're expensive.

I've found it hard in the new year to try and get back on track, I have few friends... Well none.... I find it very difficult to make friends, i'm just absolutely desparate to have a social life.... Everyone seems to have friends in their social circle... I have none, I just feel so boring......

When I do go out I feel guilty as i'm leaving my girlfriend behind......

Am I the only one that's like this???

20-01-14, 16:23
I have a psychiatric nurse who comes out every week to me, he has done for years. I thought under 18's were aloud this for free, but it seems you guys aren't. my old school referred me to him.

My memory's up and down, I'm on Sertraline. lately though I feel a little better.

Your not the only one, as you can see from everyone's posts :)

20-01-14, 17:08
How do you cope with loneliness....? Any ideas on how to widen a none existent social circle?

20-01-14, 17:24
if i am honest my doctor has been completely useless.. gave me some tablets for stomach pains.. reccomended counselling and put me on a waiting list which i still havent heard from 9 months later.. which is why i ended up with private counselling! I have been to the doctors about 6 times due to the stomach pains, they gave me a blood test and said it was anxiety related but no mention of any tablets for the anxiety.. they were trying to help me with stomach pains but thats it :( I am in my last year of school and am really struggling at the moment.. apart from anything else i have lost motivation, and the whole thing feeld pretty pointless.
One thing ive learnt is not to compare myself to others.. i used to be reslly intimidated by this loud boy in one of my classes and it turns out he has anxiety.. he just deals with it in a VERY different way to me, but everyones different!
as too the girlfriend thing.. why dont you explain to her? being single myself i dont have this problem, the amount of times i have felt ill and thought i should stay home.. but i try to force myself, and most of the time i seem to feel better once im out! I always think i over think things.. its easy to think someone doesnt like you because they dont talk to you much or whatever.. but the truth is people are far to absorbed in their own life to think about things like that! So i guess it means you get out what you put in if you know what i mean!

20-01-14, 18:14
if i am honest my doctor has been completely useless.. gave me some tablets for stomach pains.. reccomended counselling and put me on a waiting list which i still havent heard from 9 months later.. which is why i ended up with private counselling! I have been to the doctors about 6 times due to the stomach pains, they gave me a blood test and said it was anxiety related but no mention of any tablets for the anxiety.. they were trying to help me with stomach pains but thats it :( I am in my last year of school and am really struggling at the moment.. apart from anything else i have lost motivation, and the whole thing feeld pretty pointless.
One thing ive learnt is not to compare myself to others.. i used to be reslly intimidated by this loud boy in one of my classes and it turns out he has anxiety.. he just deals with it in a VERY different way to me, but everyones different!
as too the girlfriend thing.. why dont you explain to her? being single myself i dont have this problem, the amount of times i have felt ill and thought i should stay home.. but i try to force myself, and most of the time i seem to feel better once im out! I always think i over think things.. its easy to think someone doesnt like you because they dont talk to you much or whatever.. but the truth is people are far to absorbed in their own life to think about things like that! So i guess it means you get out what you put in if you know what i mean!

With what you wrote there I'm not too sure if you need a counsellor!
your doing great, try to stick with school. being home tutored just isnt the same, although I admit, you learn more ahah.

I doubt he's mentioned medication because your Anxiety hasn't completely stopped you from doing everyday things, they only usually use them when it turns into a full blown disorder. Besides, you may find they cause more stomach problems than you already have :l

Like you said, you feel better whilst your out, it's just the over thinking. Maybe you should just carry on distracting yourself, and perhaps release the fear of the pains. chances are they're only being caused by your body being oversensitive and constantly looking for them :)