View Full Version : Upping My Dose!

Cú Chulainn
19-01-14, 19:36
Hi Guys,
After 2 months on 10mg Citalopram
I have decided with the help of my GP to up my dose to 20mg.
10mg was helping a lot, far less anxiety and finally I can get some sleep.
However it was not helping these depressive thoughts hence the upping.
Hopefully this will help as Im still waiting to hear back from my CBT therapist..
Hopefully the side effects won't be as bad as getting on these things.
Anyone any advice

19-01-14, 21:02
the only advice I have is that it seems to be a good idea. 20mg is the lowest dose deemed therapeutic. you should feel a lot better.

19-01-14, 21:05
Upping mine really helped, let us know how you get on :)

19-01-14, 21:52
After being on 10mg for 2 months like yourself and it helping a huge deal with my anxiety, 11 days ago I increased my dose to 20mg. Since then my anxiety has increased but not to the levels it was. I guess this is just one of the side effects.

I've been told by people on this forum that this is normal for the next 3-4 weeks.

19-01-14, 22:32
After being on 10mg for 2 months like yourself and it helping a huge deal with my anxiety, 11 days ago I increased my dose to 20mg. Since then my anxiety has increased but not to the levels it was. I guess this is just one of the side effects.

I've been told by people on this forum that this is normal for the next 3-4 weeks.

Tomorrow I will be starting week 4 on my higher dose - feel so much better, the last couple of days in particular have been really good. :)

19-01-14, 23:13
After being on 10mg for 2 months like yourself and it helping a huge deal with my anxiety, 11 days ago I increased my dose to 20mg. Since then my anxiety has increased but not to the levels it was. I guess this is just one of the side effects.

I've been told by people on this forum that this is normal for the next 3-4 weeks.

Yes, it is quite common to experience side effects (such as increased anxiety) when increasing dose. Don't get discouraged!!

20-01-14, 10:47
I started on 20 MG and went o 30MG for a time. I didn't get as many side effects as when i first started on CIT, just felt a little more tired and found myself waking early. I reduced back to 20MG after things improved . I think 20MG is a good dose and should make a big difference. You can always go back to 10MG when things improve

Cú Chulainn
21-01-14, 21:18
Day 3

No side effects as yet but then its too early for that if its following the same course as when I started on 10mg where the side effects appeared in the 3rd week and lasted several days.
The only problem has been my tinnitus in my left ear which has gone off the wall but I think thats down to having the cold and not Cit related.

22-01-14, 08:28
I suffered from tinnitus when I was taking citalopram - normally I'd wake up with it but as soon as I got going it wasn't a problem.

Saying that there's a lot of colds going around at the moment. :weep:

Cú Chulainn
22-01-14, 21:54
Day 4
Not bad to day Anxiety was particularly low especially during the morning.
Also had my First CBT session basically just went throught the situation that I was in and how I got there. And some on the flight and fight response.
Hopefully there will some Improvement.

Cú Chulainn
23-01-14, 21:24
Day 5
No side effects noticed today.. Although last night when I was falling off to sleep I had a pain in my chest which then spread through my body to my fingertips.
It lasted in all about 20 seconds.
Does anyone have any experience of it.
I sorta thought it was a very light panic attack

23-01-14, 22:33
Hi there, I experienced tingling in the early days. I still shake a bit even after 5 weeks, sleeping is a bit hit and miss as is the nausea.

Having better days now but I still feel the trigger now and again but generally my head feels mine again. Have been looking at breathing techniques etc. - these seem to be a good option.

24-01-14, 12:33
im glad to read you're getting better.

Just taken dose 16 of 20mg today and my anxiety is getting worse.

Still got 11 more doses of 20mg and will go back to the doctor to get more and keep at it because I remember it took 8.5 weeks before I started to feel better on 10mg so my brain is still settling to the new dose I guess.

Its good to read about your progress keep it coming :)

24-01-14, 13:53
Hang in there Zee, I feel the same way - just gotta keep going :)

Cú Chulainn
24-01-14, 21:24
Day 6
Still experienced that heart tingling thing once or twice today but I don't give a shit about it anymore because it doesn't seem to develop into anything worse.
A bit of Nausea creeped in this morning but as usual it slowly receded after midday and I had ate something.
Apart from this it has been quite a good day.
When I went on 10mg the side effects didn't really occur until the 3rd week.. I wonder if it'll be the same this time?
Thanks Guys

25-01-14, 00:58
Hang in there Zee, I feel the same way - just gotta keep going :)

thanks buddy :)

25-01-14, 07:51
Woken up with a clear head today, hoping for a better day!

Cú Chulainn
25-01-14, 18:07
Day 7
No major incidents today except period of heightened anxiety like I'm a bit on edge.
Doesn't last long however. 10 minutes or so then it passes.
Afgzee, to be honest the 3rd week was atrocious for me when starting on 10mg but its does pass in a week or so and then gradually gets better.
How'd your day go Marty?

25-01-14, 22:44
Better day today thanks Cu. I still get odd isolated anxiety attacks, but the difference is I can now tell myself to stop being so stupid and they generally pass quite quickly.

Starting to generally worry less, must be the cit kicking in :)

Hope you are enjoying your weekends all


26-01-14, 13:12
so had a better day I suppose yesterday, still on edge and can still feel some adrenaline rush through me when anxiety is trying to kick in, but as marty said I told myself to stop being stupid and sort of relaxed. It was also the first evening after work I didn't take any benzo and wanted to fight through it myself.

Hopefully today can be better too. :)

Cú Chulainn
26-01-14, 22:03
Hey Guys
Day 8
Not too bad to day same heightened anxiety with twitchy hands and shaking of the legs.
My sleeping is becoming a bit of a problem I slept nearly 12 hours last night.
Slept right through without waking once pretty much.
Pretty much the exact opposite of what the anxiety was causing. (sleepless nights)
Nausea still here but still fairly easily dealt with.
Hope everyone doing well.

26-01-14, 22:14
so had a better day I suppose yesterday, still on edge and can still feel some adrenaline rush through me when anxiety is trying to kick in, but as marty said I told myself to stop being stupid and sort of relaxed. It was also the first evening after work I didn't take any benzo and wanted to fight through it myself.

Hopefully today can be better too. :)

Spot on that, Zee. That adrenaline rush hits and you know what is on the way.

---------- Post added at 22:14 ---------- Previous post was at 22:07 ----------

Hey Guys
Day 8
Not too bad to day same heightened anxiety with twitchy hands and shaking of the legs.
My sleeping is becoming a bit of a problem I slept nearly 12 hours last night.
Slept right through without waking once pretty much.
Pretty much the exact opposite of what the anxiety was causing. (sleepless nights)
Nausea still here but still fairly easily dealt with.
Hope everyone doing well.

Hi Cu. I had a good day, even discussed my triggers with family and no reaction. That was a real event for me :)

I still shake (hands) and twitch (legs) a little and suffer a bit from nausea which means I have been eating more so I need to watch that.

I am now 5 weeks in and despite these side effects that I can cope with, I am feeling so much better. I'd rather have slight side effects than flip out again. Sure I get the odd bought of anxiety or nervousness but generally nothing I can't manage. I really hope that gives others some hope, maybe a week further down the road I will feel even better :)

(Lots of hope in there!)

Cú Chulainn
27-01-14, 19:16
Day 9
Great Day today, Got a lot of work, very low anxiety however I think that might be the fact that I was extremely tired today Don't know if its the meds or Just lack of quality sleep.
Well done Marty for opening up to your family, Im sure it will help. :)

27-01-14, 22:00
Hi there, great journal - I started one myself but never made it to completion.

I thought I'd give you my point of view - I've been on them for 16 days now and have had similar side effects. I'm yet to have a full nights sleep without any aid and this is affecting my day to day activities.

However, I do feel more optimistic and productive, I get more things done at work and my social anxiety is very much reduced.

Otherwise, restless legs are a constant thing I'm going through that worsens at night. People say this goes away with time, I hope you have the courage to persevere... :)

Cú Chulainn
28-01-14, 23:56
Day 10
Not a Bad day today, However I had sorta mild panic attack standing outside my front door, I started to get faint, very dizzy and my vision was slightly blurring.
I Instinctively started to panic about a Stroke or some Bullshit like that but quickly started to rationalise that it was only anxiety and that it would pass.
Which it did very quickly too in fact, The reason I think I started to panic so quick was because it was very different symptoms than I've ever experienced before.
There was also some nausea again this morning.
Apart this everything been grand.
clonicandtonic Yh my leg sometimes constantly shaken all though to be honest I had this with the anxiety so I don't know if the Citropram is making it worse or anything.

Cú Chulainn
29-01-14, 17:30
Day 11
Another Day Another Dose.
Had my second CBT lesson today talked about calming breathing and my little incident last night. He thinks it might be me down to hyperventilating. :blush:
Anyways I'm back to the extreme tiredness again, I can barely roll out of bed in the morning But it is a killer.
Also although I've been sleeping better than ever in the last few weeks I've been having some very weird and colorful dreams, I ve read a few post on here about them though somehow I never thought Id get that side effect.
Also I thought that they might be exaggerating a bit but no they weren't.
It not frightening or scary in any way its just unnerving.

29-01-14, 18:29
Day 11
Another Day Another Dose.
Had my second CBT lesson today talked about calming breathing and my little incident last night. He thinks it might be me down to hyperventilating. :blush:
Anyways I'm back to the extreme tiredness again, I can barely roll out of bed in the morning But it is a killer.
Also although I've been sleeping better than ever in the last few weeks I've been having some very weird and colorful dreams, I ve read a few post on here about them though somehow I never thought Id get that side effect.
Also I thought that they might be exaggerating a bit but no they weren't.
It not frightening or scary in any way its just unnerving.

I had vivid dreams in the first week or two. Not so many of late.

Still struggling with sleep a bit.

Cú Chulainn
30-01-14, 22:55
Day 12
Well things are as crap as normal lol
For some reason I'm exhausted even though I slept like 12 hours last night.
Well ok im not exhausted but lethargic.
Probably the depression I suppose
Must get a sleep pattern sorted.
Anyhows started applying for jobs again.. hard though especially since been laid off resulted in this panic episode.
But I realise that there no point moping around the house all day.
Nasua still here though but back when i started on 10mg its was lot worse so I can take hope in that.
Hope everybody else is having a better day :D

31-01-14, 03:12
Hang in there, CC!!!

31-01-14, 05:54
Hey CC, still early days mate but you have already taken some major steps.

Hang in there and I hope the job hunt goes well for you.

01-02-14, 00:27
nope CC we're all in the same boat ups and downs but im glad you're making progress.

Cú Chulainn
02-02-14, 09:42
DAY 13
Well friday was decent, went out with a few friends for a while.
Dunno why but I never notice my anxiety or depression when I'm with other people even if I'm not having a good time... I still don't notice it.
Except when I come home and then I start to feel bad and worthless even though there are no particular triggers.
My CBT therapist said that that when I'm alone I start to have negative thoughts which leads me into a spiral of bad thoughts that leads to the anxiety.

DAY 14
Went out to see a Gaelic match yesterday. Felt sick during the whole day not bad enough I couldn't though. Had a while tingling in my arms during points of the day. I already know what this is and I never dwell on it.
Anyways the gaelic match reminded me back of when I was at Uni and we had a talk from a Cork hurley player who suffered from panic attacks and depression so when I got home and found a video on the net showing his story. So here it is.

Hope you guys are doing well :D

02-02-14, 10:43
Hi Cu, 2 weeks in now :)

Yes I find that being around others certainly takes your mind off things :)

I have had a few nights in on my own recently which went surprisingly well. I was dreading them tbh, but all good.

Keep going mate

Cú Chulainn
03-02-14, 12:38
DAY 15
Good day today, got my sleep pattern sorted slept from 12 to 8 and I do feel alot better for it.
Anxiety nearly non-existent which is great.

DAY 16
Had a check up with the doctor this morning, He wants me to stick with the 20 mg for 6 months and said that I look better, probably although the Cit has done wonders for my anxiety, I still feel really down and lol and I still don't take enjoyment in nearly anything.
He hopes that I will begin to feel better in the next month or so.
As he says it really is a gradual change.
Hope everyones well.

03-02-14, 13:09
it is gradual...2 weeks in and some great improvement by the sound of it :)

Cú Chulainn
04-02-14, 16:21
Day 17
Good today. Little to no Anxiety and Sleeping a lot better.
I think I'm experiencing a bit of depersonalisation today
Hopefully it starts to fade soon.
Also I have to keep reminding myself not to look at NHS website or any other medical crap because It keeps depressing me.
I dont even know why I do it.
Hope yous are well

04-02-14, 22:47
Hi Cu, I found that avoiding Facebook has done me the world of good!

Cú Chulainn
05-02-14, 17:26
DAY 18
Ok today...
Had my 3rd CBT session today. Was pretty good just discussed what had started off this panic episode and how it had led to the depression.
I can honestly say my anxiety is at an all time low.... its at a very low level at the moment.
I am now sleeping great too.. although I still get some severe night sweats.
The depression however I feel hasn't even lifted a little.. Still feel worthless.
How you guys doing.

Cú Chulainn
06-02-14, 19:41
Day 19
Today has been quite a good ..... I've been quite relaxed and not as moody as other days.
I was looking at the sky today and I noticed little white squiggly lines in the sky.... I think they might be side effects of the meds.
Anyone have any experience of this.
Hope everyones well..

06-02-14, 22:37
glad you're getting better.

i have been feeling a lot better yesterday and today, feeling very little anxiety. I just don't think of it anymore which has helped.

I'll be staying on cit for some time i guess as recommended by my doctor. I think 20mg may be a good dose for me but i'll see after 2 months is up on 20mg to see if i may need to increase to 30mg.

06-02-14, 22:42
DAY 18
Ok today...
Had my 3rd CBT session today. Was pretty good just discussed what had started off this panic episode and how it had led to the depression.
I can honestly say my anxiety is at an all time low.... its at a very low level at the moment.
I am now sleeping great too.. although I still get some severe night sweats.
The depression however I feel hasn't even lifted a little.. Still feel worthless.
How you guys doing.

Don't feel worthless Cu! :bighug1:

You are making progress, so just keep going forward - your CBT sounds like it is really helping.

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:41 ----------

I'm feeling better today btw, after a shaky start!

It's Friday tomorrow so all will be good with the world :)

Cú Chulainn
07-02-14, 18:27
Yh Afgzee 2 months really is how long you have to leave it to see the benefits.
When I was on 10mg I didn't start to feel better till after my the first month.

Thanks :bighug1: Marty.

Day 20
Well its the weekend so I tend to feel better anyways lol.
Woke up this morning with a bit of nausea Which hasn't reared its head in a week or so. But I'm glad to say that even though it was pretty severe it only lasted an hour or so.
Hope is high that I feel even better during this weekend and into next week.
Hope you guys are feeling well.

Cú Chulainn
08-02-14, 20:40
DAY 21
3 WEEKS IN- Looking back I can see that I have come along way and I do feel better especially my anxiety just wished these tabs would work on the thing they were designed for ,depression.
But if I feel this good 3 weeks in hopefully I'll feel doubly good in 6 weeks and Get my Life back on track.
I was thinking of all the things I've done since this anxiety episode and Have decided to list them on here.

1. Going off Caffeine - I went off all caffeine based products on the day I had my first panic attacks. And it has helped immensely.
2. Running 4 miles a day - Helped me a while lot with dealing with the excess adrenaline (also its alot easier when you don't have a job :D)
3. Eating healthy - well this one I have fell off the wagon multiple times but I really do believe that a healthy body, healthy mind or at least one that isn't trying to kill you all the time.

Hope you like my tips.
Have a good Saturday Night Everyone! :yesyes:

Cú Chulainn
09-02-14, 19:52
DAY 22
Well I've been sleeping really well the last few days which is great because if truth be told I don't feel like I've slept properly for years.
Mind chatter has been reduced to min and I feel a lot more relaxed these days. Hopefully it continues.
The only issue, at the moment is I feel like I just don't care about anything. I can't feel any enjoyment. I have little motivation, and frankly i am struggling to find a point to everything. The plus side is that most of my crappy thoughts have disappeared, but i need a kick up the backside.
As write this I'm even wondering why I am!

09-02-14, 22:28
Hi Cu :)

Mind chatter...yup, that's a great description!

Your diary posts are a great idea, just read back and see how far you have come.

I realised today that I have got some of my spontaneity back - I don't seem to be planning or organising as if my life depends on it! I had a blip at 6/7 weeks but at 8 weeks it feels ok. Not great. But much better.

Keep going mate

Cú Chulainn
10-02-14, 18:16
DAY 23
Been feeling weird all day today as If i was spaced out or numb.... If I was to guess I think its brain fog. Its been here for a few hours ago.
Apart from that Everything's been good.
3 weeks in, and it seems like the bulk of my anxiety has gone, for me citalopram really seemed to have worked. Things aren't normal, but they are better. Yesterday i went shopping in tesco with no problems. Not proper relaxed shopping, I still have to take things slow, and easy, not rush, take my time and be calm, but there was no anxiety.

10-02-14, 22:17
I know what you mean about foggyness (is that a word?!)

We went shopping on Saturday and I did struggle a bit. I'm not brilliant in a crowd and I do like my personal space. Found it all a little exhausting. Bit like my working day, I am pooped by the end of the day but I put that down to the cit.

I note you are weeks 3-4. I really started to feel good about 4-5 weeks then blipped again at 6-7 weeks. At 8 weeks...it feels, well ok actually. :)


Cú Chulainn
10-02-14, 22:58
I don't know how to describe it. It's like a spaced out type of feeling.
I know that it can take up to 2 months to see the full benefits and my doctor said it could take maybe 3 - 4 months for it to be completely settled so I'll just see how it goes.

Cú Chulainn
11-02-14, 20:02
Day 24
Woke up this morning after a great night's sleep feeling really badly spaced out and with a slight pain in my head when I stand up to quick or walk too fast.
Wierd as hell.....
Still low anxiety so I scared that they're not related.

12-02-14, 19:10
I used to have slight pain in my head and at first I felt high... almost mdma like high for the 2nd and especially the 3rd day.

It may need time to settle and your brain may need some more time to adjust to the new dosage.

Cú Chulainn
12-02-14, 20:06
I agree the only way I can describe it is like being high.. completely spaced.. Hopefully it recedes a bit over the next few days.
Day 25
Started back exercising again today.. another 4 miles in the bag. Felt far better after it.
Very breathless after having a feeling it the med but I don't really care it'll pass.

23-02-14, 00:07
just wondering how you guys are marty and Cu, and everyone else? not heard from you guys in a little while.

Cú Chulainn
01-03-14, 20:18
Hey Afgzee Thanks for asking
Yeah I've been doing grand over last fortnight or so.
I been on here only once or twice since then.
Nearly 6 weeks in now on 20mg and I do feel alot better but I probably aa long way to go.
How are you doing.
I think Marty went on Holiday by a post writ on the GA forum but I noticed he's back now lol

01-03-14, 20:47
Hey Afgzee Thanks for asking
Yeah I've been doing grand over last fortnight or so.
I been on here only once or twice since then.
Nearly 6 weeks in now on 20mg and I do feel alot better but I probably aa long way to go.
How are you doing.
I think Marty went on Holiday by a post writ on the GA forum but I noticed he's back now lol

Hey Zee, hey Cu. Been on my hols which apart from the travelling part have really helped with my anxiety. Back to normal life now so let's see how that works out! But generally, I feel good. Glad I stuck with it :)

Cú Chulainn
01-04-14, 19:11
Hey everyone,
I finally got round to updating this post as I have now been on 20mg of Citalopram for 10 weeks.
I must say that after a rough month or so the side effects have receded significantly and I'm definitely feeling more positive about life.
My anxiety levels are a lot lower and I'm sleeping a lot easier at night now.
I'm still running and not drinking any caffeine which has helped.

Cú Chulainn
19-04-14, 21:24
Hows everyone doing?

19-04-14, 23:32
hey cu. Much better. Anxiety levels are so much lower now bit still got a while to go.

how about you? Are you still on the same 20mg dose?