View Full Version : Petrified. Anal cancer.

19-01-14, 19:37
Think I have this awful thing. My bum is kinda hurting. And when washing this morning I noticed where my anus is just above it there's a hole. About 50p size in the inside!! I'm thinking the cancer is eating away at my body! Why would there be this hole like feeling!!

19-01-14, 19:46
Do you mean a hole to the outside of your body?? Or feeling a hole inside your anus??

You can have a fistula that is a drainage hole to the outside of your body caused by an abcess but that would usually cause alot of pain. If its inside your anus then its possible to get pockets a bit like a blow out in a tyre from straining. BUT only a qualified Dr can tell your for certain.

Make an appt with your GP and get them to have a look and I would imagine there is a very simple explanation that does not involve the C word at all!

20-01-14, 07:36
It's in the inside I can feel it from the outside. It's like my anus has slipped down an inch & there's a like a hole inside!!

20-01-14, 11:47
You really need to get this checked by a doctor to be honest.

02-02-15, 16:02
I'm sorry you're going through this. I'm currently battling anal cancer worries and as you stated I'm petrified too. I don't have what you have but maybe it's a fistula. Do get checked. Hugs.

02-02-15, 16:17
Hi there, are you sure its not just your normal anatomy, maybe its always been like that and you have never noticed, thing is with ha it distorts body parts, I was convinced my boobs were different, when they was the same as they have always been, you prod and poke around and discover thing you didn't know were there.. Xxxx