View Full Version : Hi my first time

19-01-14, 20:53
Hi I am new to this site and wanted to share my current situation, hopefully to seek sanity and also to know that I am not on my own. Over the past few years I believe the stresses and strains of everyday life started to take its toll. Full time employed, mum to 2 and husband that works shifts. It all got too much last year to 4 months of non stop headaches, to palpiations to now currently having internal shaking/ buzzing all over. My mri advised nowt and neurologist advised acute anxiety, no one seems to understand from my husband to my dad saying why are u stressed? Just stop being silly and stop thinking about it- think positive! No one gets it they dont know how hard it is, I appreciate from anyone looking in at my life I have the perfect life, but I havent I hate my job and feel suffocated at work- my anxiety hightens like my face twitches- eye flickers, my right hand and foot starts to have a weird sensation tickling/ pain tingling, my neuro states this is down me being stressed which I agree. I have started to take kalms- herbal to see if this helps but I doubt it? I have made a doc appointmnt this week as I dont think I can do this on my own? Its the constant internal buzzing or vibrations that are freaking me out, I have read up on this and knw this is a classic sign but just want it to go away but I dont knw how? Think maybe its because I have been so stressed for so long I cant relax I dont know how? I hate being on my own as my mind works overtime, I get anxious over everything, even when I am shopping I feel my self getting anxious, I also have started to cry alot when I am on my own where no one can see. I know I need help but I am wanting to speak with others who maybe able to understand?

19-01-14, 21:04
Hi and welcome!
You are not alone in this at all and I'm sure you will find lots of support and advice here.
It sounds like you are doing the right thing, being checked and seeing your doc, they will help you!
I used Kalms when my anxiety was really bad and they did help me quite a lot, they took the edge off my anxiety I hope they work for you too.
Stay strong you WILL get through this!

19-01-14, 21:17
Welcome Squirrel, let us know how you get on. Loads of help and support on here for you :)

20-01-14, 09:35
Our minds are very complex things, and my partner doesn't understand my depression, but on here, you will find a lot of people going through what you are. Its horrible to feel the way we do, but hang in there...just hang in there..
When I am alone my mind creeps up on me too, and sometimes even when my family are there, but I have to hide it inside so not to worry them..its hard..

20-01-14, 13:45
When I am alone my mind creeps up on me too, and sometimes even when my family are there, but I have to hide it inside so not to worry them..its hard..

That sums it up very nicely, Deckard. Until very recently I used to over-analyse everything. Being on my own can be a struggle too.

20-01-14, 13:56
Hi Squirrel, and a warm welcome. I too have constant buzzing/twitching and feel my nerves throughout my body, more obvious when I'm sat/lying still. It feels like a small current running through your body. And like you, just want it to go. I'm assuming this is typical of anxiety.

20-01-14, 14:07
:welcome: Squirrel
As you see there's plenty of help and support on the site
Welcome aboard !


Daisy Sue
20-01-14, 16:16
Hi Squirrel, and welcome :) You're definitely not alone, so many people have gone through what you're experiencing right now and come out the other side of it. I remember feeling a lot of what you describe when I was bad, and it did ease eventually.

Don't lose hope - you can get back to the 'you' you used to be. Maybe it would help if you could change jobs?

21-01-14, 00:13
Welcome squirrel :welcome: this site is wonderful so many people reading this will think yep I know exactly what you mean. The main thing you will find here is you are not alone and you can beat it. I sometimes think isn't it annoying the way some people just grease through life no matter what it throws at them, but that's life and we are all different. To be honest no wondered your stressed 2kids and full time job and everything else that goes with it. Use this site to talk its great and you will meet many people just like you who are going through what you have been through or are going through it now. Be strong :)