View Full Version : Hoping for some info on heart without googling..

19-01-14, 21:04
Hi all.
I've got myself obsessed over heart issues. I posted yesterday about my worries but I've been so upset and distressed today I've started a new thread. I'm just wondering if anyone can help me rationalise.
Could a person suffer several small heart attacks without hospitalization or further problems? I am worried because of chest/arm pain that I get very randomly sometimes. It happened when I was trying on shoes the other day, but it has also happened after a huge argument, where I was quite hysterical. I'm giving these examples because of the huge contrast between when/why it happened. I'm concerned that the pains I've experienced are heart related, or maybe even been a heart attack. The pain the other day started just under my left arm, and after rubbing the area it radiated to the left breast. I rubbed the area it moved to and it gradually faded off. The hysteria time it happened was a similar sensation, a strong burning ache that feels like I need to rub it, that spreads around the arm and left chest area. Does this sound like an attack? I know no one can diagnose, I'm most likely going to book a docs appointment, but I just feel the need for some reassurance in the mean time. Also, do people have symptoms weeks or months before an attack? Or is it an instant out of the blue thing?
Sorry for the long post. My head is just scrambling and I've got nowhere else to turn. X

19-01-14, 21:13
Hi all.
I've got myself obsessed over heart issues. I posted yesterday about my worries but I've been so upset and distressed today I've started a new thread. I'm just wondering if anyone can help me rationalise.

LF... I responded yesterday but I'll do so again. The most rational thing I can tell you as I have done before is that you wouldn't be able to sit and type asking if you were having a heart attack because you'd be in the hospital.

Could a person suffer several small heart attacks without hospitalization or further problems?

Not that I've ever heard of especially at your age, and you know I've suffered two heart attacks.

I am worried because of chest/arm pain that I get very randomly sometimes. It happened when I was trying on shoes the other day, but it has also happened after a huge argument, where I was quite hysterical.

Right there is the answer as it's anxiety and stress triggered. Your body is on constant alert and adrenalin is causing your anxiety to tighten your muscles, even unconsciously.

I'm giving these examples because of the huge contrast between when/why it happened. I'm concerned that the pains I've experienced are heart related, or maybe even been a heart attack. The pain the other day started just under my left arm, and after rubbing the area it radiated to the left breast. I rubbed the area it moved to and it gradually faded off.

Heart pain doesn't go away nor move position as you described. If it were heart issues, they get worse and worse and the pain is crippling, drop you to your knees and nearly incapacitating.

The hysteria time it happened was a similar sensation, a strong burning ache that feels like I need to rub it, that spreads around the arm and left chest area. Does this sound like an attack?

See previous answer

I know no one can diagnose, I'm most likely going to book a docs appointment, but I just feel the need for some reassurance in the mean time. Also, do people have symptoms weeks or months before an attack? Or is it an instant out of the blue thing?

There are certain indicators that can signal heart disease but you've been cleared of that several times.

Sorry for the long post. My head is just scrambling and I've got nowhere else to turn. X

Positive thoughts

19-01-14, 21:18
Thankyou Fishman. This has helped enormously. You are so kind. X

20-01-14, 18:32

Ok, so I was feeling better after fishmans posts yesterday, so I thought I could have a browse through heart stuff just to 'make sure' I was ok. So, I googled 'can heart attack symptoms come and go'. One of the articles was from women's health and it said symptoms can come on gradually over days, ways or even months. Now I'm convinced I'm having warning signals and attack could be imminent. I also feel like I have shooting pains in my left arm today and a couple of chest ones.
I'm really scared :(. I know googling was a stupid idea. I thought it'd make me feel more confident that I was ok.
Has anyone else heard of this? That it can be gradual? It also said the pain can 'come and go', but I'm not sure if this means the actual attack, and the pain coming and going for seconds or minutes, or whether it's referring to the gradual onset of an attack. I've made an appointment but it's not til the 28th.
Please help xx

20-01-14, 18:37
You were just at the doctor before Christmas. Surely they would have picked on something amiss. Unfortunately, you've got yourself in a state haven't you? :( Well then, maybe you should get it checked out if you're really feeling that bad and certain.

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 18:44
LF87, have you read Tanner's stellar post about Googling here: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=148317?

You can always find somebody on Google to tell you a horrible possibility if you dig hard enough. The problem here isn't what you found, it's that you dug in the first place. Go reread Fishmanpa's post, slowly, and aloud to yourself; it's still relevant to you, and I think it'll be good for you to hear calming words coming in your own voice. And consider finding something that you really enjoy and feel rewarded by and do that when you're tempted to Google; also look at siteblocking utilities like Leechblock or WasteNoTime to help support your resolve.

20-01-14, 19:24
Fishman I have booked an appointment, it's just gonna be hard waiting a week!
Althea, I read Tanners post, so true. I have re read fishmanpa's post several times, it's keeping me sane! Haha.
I know in my rational mind that it's unlikely to be my heart. The pain does subside when I stretch or rub it...that's got to be a good sign? The thing that bugs me is that it's happened more than once in the same area. Not so good. Does it sound more like a muscular thing?