View Full Version : What Happens When We Google

20-01-14, 12:29
Good Morning all, this morning I feel like a bit of a pint sized dragon slayer. Nowhere near the full life size dragon slayer. I feel more like the size of an action figure toy.

Dealing with my own anxiety, my brothers and family dysfunction, my Dad's illness, and I let a cyst on my back do me in. The cyst has been there forever and has been checked by my GP and a dermatologist. It's a subasceuous cyst, nothing to worry about. I'm prone to them

Well, as they tend to do, this cyst has gotten bigger and decided to drain a bit. I took a hot shower and my partner expressed it and of course, it was then a bit tender.

Instead of focusing on all of the real stressors in my life, I decided to worry about the cyst. I imagined an infection setting in, since it was tender and a bit inflamed. Of course that led to a systemic infection that would be the demise of me.


Really dumb. I couldn't find one single thing about sebaceous cysts on google that were dangerous. So I put in danger and complications as key words in my search. Still nothing sinister. I kept right on looking because I wasn't going to be satisfied until I found something that matched my level of worry.

This is what google does for me. It makes me keep looking until I found what I'm looking for. Find what is existing in my own head. And then when I can't find what I'm looking for, I figure that it must be so rare that I will be the first. After all, just my luck right?

I'm pretty much fine this morning. Google is a tool that keeps our minds from dealing with our real issues, the ones that create our anxiety. Google forces me to focus on problems that are minuscule and non- existent.

Today I will focus on the real issues, my anxiety and my recovery. No googling will help that.

20-01-14, 12:51
I've had one on my back forever. Same deal. My fiance' gets it when it starts to grow and the same thing... it's sore for a day or so. So I decided to look them up on Youtube. Not a wise move, especially after you've eaten Ewwww!! ~lol~

Here is the Tanner the Dragon Slayer Action Figure ;)


Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 12:58
"Tanner the Dragon Slayer Action Figure" is HOT!!! LOL.

Man, Tanner, you have such a way with words. I can read your posts again and again.

Today you will grow and grow back into a life sized dragon slayer, and the dragon will shrink and shrink as you move step by step forward with the weapons (tools) you have gathered to fight this battle.

Little trip ups like the one you had concerning Google and the cyst are actually a great way to see how FAR down the road of Recovery that you are! Look how clear, rational, and focused you are after just a few short hours!

Putting on my armor- let's fight the good fight today!

20-01-14, 13:01
Hey Too Much and Fishmanpa! The Tanner action figure Dragon Slayer is prett hot. I think I'll keep her around. LOL. Onwards to the good fight today.

20-01-14, 16:05
Hey tanner,

You put things so well. I always relate to your posts. You hang on in there girl.

By the way, I've been reading back and catching up with the hell you are having to deal with. I will PM you once I manage to put it all in to words x

20-01-14, 19:25
hey there Kate! Sounds like you've been having a time of your own. Good for you on not giving Fishmanpa the "poo thread" that he was so looking forward to.

I'm hanging in there and doing okay considering every crazy thing that is going on!