View Full Version : scared of dying young

20-01-14, 14:44
Hi im new here and have been suffering for over a year witg anxiety out of the blue. I have worried over symptoms like all of us etc...but now I just have an overall fear of dying young and leaving my children..I recently read a few articles about how anxious people die younger and I cant overcome it im so feightend...is there anyone there to help me put this into perspective:shrug:

20-01-14, 15:24
I couldn't disagree with this anymore, people without a proper anxiety disorder get anxious. it's a normal reaction to a perceived threat, it can even keep us alive longer.

Just think if you never got a little anxious about crossing a road and you just walked out over the road without bothering to look what could happen?

The only problem is that when we start getting over anxious we end up spiralling down, because we constantly fear our symptoms which makes us more anxious and in turn creates more nasty symptoms, which turns into a horrible cycle.

Stay away from those negative articles, you'll be perfectly fine :)

20-01-14, 15:27
I would also say that people with anxiety and a little hypochondria actually live longer as they get every little thing checked out.

It also often seems that people who worry about their health actually never get sick with anything serious

20-01-14, 15:56
Thankyou so much for replies...I always worry about dying but I can normally overcome them with its just thoughts! But as this is a study my anxiety is saying iys fact...im going to try my best to not believe it

01-11-19, 01:35
I read an article about dying and final days sounded pretty awful some people have to go though this seems terrible makes me more anxious.