View Full Version : Not doing well

20-01-14, 14:54
This morning has been a rough one.

I woke up in a panic this morning my heart is racing, my hands and feet are sweating like crazy and the impending doom feeling is really intense. I am scared that if I leave the house to go to work I am going to drop dead and never see my wife again.

All my heart fears and doubts are running through my mind: is an ekg and holter enough?
Should I demand an echo?
Do I have heart failure?

Someone once told me replace the what if with so what well I'm sorry but I can't say so what to dying I don't want to die

20-01-14, 15:28
why would you drop dead ?

20-01-14, 15:48
If I had a pound for each time I have felt like that over the years I would be able to go to Paris for a long weekend in a fancy hotel! :D:D

20-01-14, 15:49
Heart attack
Cardiac arrest

Those are the two that terrify me currently

20-01-14, 15:57
Your use of the word currently says it all. We just seem to move from one worry to another. I spent weeks recently convincing myself that my heart my explode as I had a pain in my chest. Deep down I knew that it was just a pulled muscle from lifting too many weights but my mind decided that it was not extreme enough and took it to the max :)