View Full Version : Oh drat. Diligent doctor accidentally setting me off again (poo related Fishmanpa!)

20-01-14, 15:02
Couldn't resist the title, since I am sure Fishmanpa will love to see me do a poo thread.

Anyway, following my hospitalisation for what turned out to be kidney stones a week ago, my doctor wanted to see me for follow up.

My own doctor was off sick so I saw another guy. He asked me questions about some of my notes from when I was in hospital, bowel related things that I had been assuming were not related after I was diagnosed with the stones.

He asked me whether those issues had gone away. I told him no. So he questioned me a lot more and then said he needed to get it checked out.

I had an abdominal x ray and a non-contrast CT at the hospital which was clear except for the kidney stones. I asked him, wouldn't something awful have shown up on that? (as I was told at the hospital). He said "If it was big".

He then proceeded to look at the blood tests that came back - they did lots and they were all perfect. He told me that since my inflammation marker (CRP) came back normal, that it effectively ruled out IBD, crohns etc. Great, so the list of benign causes is going down!

He wants me to have a blood test for celiac disease to see if that is causing my issues (which he doubts) and if that is clear, to do further investigations like a colonoscopy.

I can't get an appointment for that blood test for over 2 weeks and then I'll have to wait for the results, then wait for them to organise further testing etc. I'm not sure whether I should go ahead and wait or go back when my own GP is there and say that I'd rather they just go ahead and arrange the other things rather than waiting.

What would you all suggest guys?

PS: I haven't listed my symptoms because a) I don't want to trigger anyone and b) I understand that you can't all e-diagnose me anyway. So I'm sorry to mislead, but I'm not talking about my poo (although it is involved)

20-01-14, 15:21
I saw the title and clicked with baited breath and anticipation but alas, this was quite mild as poo threads go and quite frankly I'm disappointed :( I at least expected to see a vivid description of toilet contents and at best asking about black bits ~lol~

Sounds like a doctor doing his job as a doctor to be honest. I'd get things checked and just be assured, check with your GP when he gets back. You can always cancel them if he doesn't feel it's necessary. You don't seem too alarmed by it but it can't hurt to take a look... Ummm... at the tests too ;)

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 15:27
Oh I could go in to detail my friend, but I'd never be able to show my face in here again. Far too embarrassing!

Let's just say that for one of my issues,, the doctor asked me if I have anal sex often. :ohmy:

I admit I am a bit worried and a have a touch of the old self pity at the moment. But I do know that if there was something awful, it'd be likely to be small due my previous clear tests. I'm just not sure whether to push for things sooner or not and I can't google even if I wanted to - I've blocked most medical sites from my puter.

20-01-14, 15:34
The look on your face when he asked must have been priceless! :ohmy: ~lol~

Nah... two weeks isn't that long and you know full well if he thought it was serious, they would have been scheduled sooner. Relax and stay away from spicy foods ;)

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 15:44
burst out laughing when i read this

" I at least expected to see a vivid description of toilet contents and at best asking about black bits ~lol~"

20-01-14, 16:02
burst out laughing when i read this

" I at least expected to see a vivid description of toilet contents and at best asking about black bits ~lol~"

I could just picture the gleeful bugger rubbing his hands with anticipation when he saw this thread and then the disappointment when he noticed the lack of descriptive narrative.

Gotta love him :D

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------

The look on your face when he asked must have been priceless! :ohmy: ~lol~

Nah... two weeks isn't that long and you know full well if he thought it was serious, they would have been scheduled sooner. Relax and stay away from spicy foods ;)

Positive thoughts

Only just saw this response.

In answer to your first statement, I may have said "Not until my husband finds a far better lube than last time!!!!!!"

20-01-14, 16:06
I could just picture the gleeful bugger rubbing his hands with anticipation when he saw this thread and then the disappointment when he noticed the lack of descriptive narrative.

Gotta love him :D

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 15:46 ----------

Only just saw this response.

In answer to your first statement, I may have said "Not until my husband finds a far better lube than last time!!!!!!"

Gawd! This thread is heading South quickly!

Just remember, the distance between the curb and the gutter is only 6 inches ~lol~

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 17:52
Thanks for helping me have a giggle guys.

I've actually paid a bit more attention than I usually do and have noticed that my "symptoms" are somewhat worse than I thought.

As I don't know whether I am just overreacting or actually have a reason for concern this time, I have decided (if my GP will give me a referral) to pay to see a bowel specialist/consultant privately rather than waste NHS resources if I'm just being silly. I have a provisional appointment booked Wednesday evening and if he thinks I do need a colonoscopy, I think I'll pay up and get it done through him. If he doesn't, happy days.

20-01-14, 18:00
Well... it'll be good for your peace of mind. In the mean time, try not to be too "bummed" out ;)

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 18:25
Oh, my gosh. I am laughing so hard right now I about peed myself.....I guess that would be an entirely different thread topic......

Seriously, the fourteen year old in me can't quit smiling!

20-01-14, 19:22

Sorry that you're having some issues but happy that everyone, including yourself, got a giggle out of this thread. Like Fishmanpa, I probably would have paid money to see the look on your face with some of the questions. Hope all is well.


20-01-14, 19:34
Well, it seems we're all challenged today-yesterday was a very bad day for me, as I received horrible news about my friend (severely injured in a car accident :( ) and one thing leading to another-my anxiety and stress levels today are high. Still, this exchange put a smile back on my face-thank you guys and gals very very much :)

And of course-Kate, I am rooting for you and everything will go well! :)

20-01-14, 21:23
Kate, I was so tickled reading the humorous parts of this thread that I didn't lend you my support! So- here it is... :hugs: