View Full Version : SEPARATION Anxiety help??!!!!!!

20-01-14, 15:17
hey i'm 15 and need immediate help!!
i have to go my brothers/dads house and a friend is there the ages are 19,25,16
my mum is forcing me to get off my butt and go there untill Sunday!!! that's like 7 days. whenever i go there i feel like this.
1. what' if she dies' while im gone and i can't spend the last minutes.
2. heart racing/nervousness/unease basically before you cry.
3. down/depression FML' thoughts even suicide like i' should just kill myself' and some crying.
there you have it^ this will affect me at least twice a day until i'm distracted most commonly when i'm there and about 6-7 AM and 7-8 PM
i'm 15 how do i be a boy not a baby... i'm so sad because ive always been around my mum 24/7 and a bad Childhood. my GAD has been great now the separation is increased help? i can do this 7 days how do i hang on the rope and say U will' Survive this...

20-01-14, 15:40
Could you possibly ask your mum to not make you spend a whole week there?

What are the chances of your mum dropping down dead, VERY UNLIKELY. You're panicking about the 'what if's' when they haven't happened yet. Focus on what positives you all could be doing, the pranks, the games, the laughs, sounds like it could be an awesome week for you guys!

You're fifteen, enjoy it! I lost my teenage years to anxiety and depression and I'd hate to see it happen to you.

20-01-14, 17:44
Hiya! Im a similar age to yourself, and i completely understand. my parents went away and i was home alone and i felt really ill the whole time. Although i tried really hard i just couldnt relax, maybe some of this wasw me trying to avoid my anxious thoughts.. rather than accepting my anxiety i thought i was ill that just made me more anxious that my parents werent around!
so.. my advice.. accept that however anxious you feel, it is just anxiety, and these are just thoughts not reality.