View Full Version : Insect phobia help?

20-01-14, 15:24
the insect is a cricket... i believe it's the jumping and disgusting body image
when i see a cricket come close! FLIGHT!
1. BODY rashes/Flushes that are very hot
2.DEEP Breathing
3. like hanging off a rope omg' EHHH im gonna fall.
4. increased Adrenaline to be ready to get out of there
how do i accept it? the hinds and legs both squish together and it makes me wanna puke.. it humps on my mum and she won't care i've slept on the couch multiple times, they don't chirp inside. how do i treat it like a Fly?

20-01-14, 15:40
Interesting... My fiance' is that way with spiders. Seeing one literally scares her to tears. Me? Bees/Wasps ~shudder~ I stepped in a hornets nest at 7 years old and that was that! Funny though... I can look at one, watch documentaries, see them fly around but one buzzes near me?... Screaming Mimi, hands flailing, duck and run! ~lol~ I've always found that any opportunity to squish the living daylights out of them definitely helps ;)

Positive thoughts

18-02-14, 10:33
I am terrified of spiders, hysterical crys tears and full on panic. I too once came off my bike into a hornets nest as a child. Got a food few stings and yet they don't bother me. I bat them away of course but they don't scare me like you'd think. I've seen the nlp phobia cure reccomended but no personal experience of it x

10-03-14, 17:27
I'm not too fond of insects and I freak out mostly at cockroaches but its bees and wasps that do it mainly for me. Ever since I was a little girl, I can't even look at a pic of a bee or wasp without feeling sick or faint. When I was younger I couldn't even look at a cartoon bee, I'm over that one now thouh.