View Full Version : Indigestion type feeling

20-01-14, 17:18
For the last 2 days or day I've been having a sort of indigestion feeling in the front and same area in the back.
It doesn't hurt, it's just a feeling a fullness and my stomach feels harder and bigger than normal..
Is this indigestion? or something more serious?
Please help.

---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 16:46 ----------

If it's something serious would it last for that long? I'm scared it could be a heart attack.

I haven't taken anything for it, apart from gaviscone which I took about 10mins ago..

20-01-14, 17:22
I had this a couple of weeks ago and it lasted about a week. Hopefully the gaviscone will work. Mine got better after I saw the doctor and he told me it was indigestion so I guess my anxiety about it was making me worse.
If it doesn't go in a few days maybe you could see your doctor for reassurance.

20-01-14, 17:24
Did you have exact same symptoms like the fullness below the sternum and back and throat feeling?

I'm so damn scared, I just stupidly googled and someone had it and the last 2 responses were it could be a heart attack!

20-01-14, 17:38
Yes I did and it was indigestion. My husband has had 2 heart attacks and they were nothing like you are describing and I don't think you would even be able to type on here if it was a heart attack :)

20-01-14, 17:57
I just rang the NHS hotline 111 and I described the woman everything and she said the symptoms I have described are unusual to her!! that's got me even more worrying now, and she told me to ring my GP and talk to an on-call Doctor who will be able to advise me better!

20-01-14, 18:05
She obviously didn't have it on her list of urgent symptoms though so I wouldn't worry. They just have a list to go through and if it isn't there they will just tell you to speak to a doctor.

20-01-14, 18:17

I'm not a doctor but I have suffered two heart attacks. I can say with almost 100% certainty that you're not having a heart attack. Between your age and the several times you've had similar symptoms, you would be in a hospital. As Annie, said, if indeed this was serious, you wouldn't be here typing about it I assure you!

Getting help with your anxiety issues along with some drugs to help quell the acid reflux symptoms you're suffering from would be prudent.

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 18:23
Hello, I know even though I'm sat here what if it's an on-set of a heart attack?
I read books on anxiety and I feel great after reading them, but it doesn't stop me from knowing I have high BP, which then transfers into "omg I got a heart problem" :(

20-01-14, 18:27

It's becoming painfully obvious at this point that you're in the midst of an anxiety attack spiral and no amount of reassurance or previous negative test results will quell the angst you're going through. I'm so sorry you're suffering. Professional help would be prudent at this point. Of course, if you really feel the need to, go visit he doctor or clinic.

Positive thoughts and good luck!

I took a look back and you've been having similar symptoms for some time now. This is from a year ago"

"Hi, I rang NHS direct, and they phoned the Ambulance for me when I told them my symptoms..
So I was taken into A&E and had ECG's done ect, and everything came back fine. They took me in due to my past history the paramedic said.
They done a blood count ect and everything came back fine too.

So.. I definitely need to seek help from a professional, because I can't hack it anymore.

The doctor who saw me seem a little pissed off, I don't blame him but I didn't know what else to do, I didn't ring 999 and rang NHS direct thinking I could get confirmation from them, but the doctor told me NHS direct IS the A&E"

If indeed you were having heart issues, you probably wouldn't be here by now. I hope you seek the professional help you said you were going to do a year ago

20-01-14, 19:27
God I remember that day..the chest pain that day was a lot different to today, that one was a sharp stabbing pain in a localised area on my left pec.

This is a fullness feeling below my rib cage and in my back a little section on the spine.

I just got off to the on-call Doctor and she said it doesn't sound serious and doesn't sound heart related, so keep taking gaviscone 3/4 times a day and to call the GP if it persist or changes.

I have been doing small things to battle my anxiety i.e taking herbal teas/rescue spray and reading a few books on Anxiety, but I'm sure you mean actual help speaking to a professional, and no I haven't not yet anyway, I don't know where to start. Do I just google anxiety and phone someone up for a consultation?

20-01-14, 20:10
You can start by clicking this link and downloading the FREE CBT program offered to members here.


There are several members, including myself, that have had success using it. I don't have anxiety but I've found it extremely useful with real daily life issues as well as the depression I've been dealing with after cancer treatment.

As far as a doctor,I would ask you GP if he knows someone or can refer you to a practice. Finding a therapist or psychiatrist that specializes in anxiety disorders would be important in my opinion. You're much too young to be held captive by the Dragon. Learn to be a Dragon Slayer and stay to help others do the same!

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 22:22
Thank you, I remember signing up to that program a while ago and then I completely forgot about it.
My GP tried getting me help through a hospital program for patients however, as I wasn't actually in hospital at the time they refused my application.