View Full Version : Please someone help me :( so scared

20-01-14, 18:01
This is going to be a long post so I apologise but I just really need some help I feel like im loosing my mind with worry . On the 27th December in the night I woke up with some chest pain this has happened many times before have been to the doctors before and they said it sounds like indigestion and I normally I don’t worry when I get the pain and It goes away but this time I was stupid and googled chest pains ! I know it was really stupid to do now because now I feel awful and worry every day that I might be having a heart attack or my symptoms are leading to a heart attack . Since the 27th I have been having chest pains on and off these pains go away when I distract myself or take painkillers but nerveless I worry everyday and especially now because I have been having other symptoms like pain in my arm and shoulder but I do feel myself get really tensed , I don’t have the chest pain and the arm pain at exactly the same time if I have arm pain I don’t have chest pain if that makes sense , but my arm is really sore to touch like when you have pulled a muscle but this still doesn’t stop me from worrying ! I have also been having some shortness of breath but again I distract myself this goes away and as soon as I think about it comes back . I have been extremely stressed over the past couple of months with finance problems , family problems and a very stressful job !! Also having OCD doesn’t help because everything has to be done to perfection or a certain amount of times which makes everything that little more stressful then normal lol .

I know the most common knowledge thing to do is to go to the doctors but I find it so difficult going to the doctors as I get really nervous and don’t explain my symptoms properly and also with my OCD I hate germs it completely freaks me out and to me the doctors surgery is one of the most germy places !!

Just some extra information about me im 22 female was diagnosed with Anxiety when I was 16 and have OCD and IBS. Please can someone just tell me if sounds like Anxiety , Stress or heart problem

20-01-14, 18:03
sounds like anxiety x. that being said, I would still try to get doc to check it out (although it really does sound like anxiety). If you can't cope with surgery would GP do home visit?

20-01-14, 19:15
The chances of it being a heart issue at 22 is very, very small. It's more likely cramping of the chest wall muscle or a strain.

20-01-14, 19:38
Anxiety=indigestion=chest pain.
Anxiety=tense muscles=pain.
Anxiety=pain ten times stronger than without anxiety.
