View Full Version : A few developments in the dizziness

20-01-14, 18:23
Hi all,

Well I saw my balance therapist today... She's now said that she doesn't think it is Mal de Disembarkment syndrome....

She thinks i have a combination of migraines and neck tension which is causing this anxiety and also the anxiety isn't helping the neck tension and migraines....

I'm now waiting to see a neurologist and ENT again... I am a bit frustrated and fed up really... Has anyone else had dizziness and migraines?

I'm glad I don't have anything serious going on but I am so fed up of not feeling very well... It's been nearly 18 months and its awful and has well and truly ruined my life :(

20-01-14, 18:31
Ah I'm glad you've got a little closer to finding a solution, to be honest from what you've wrote in the past you've been dizzy almost constantly so I can't see how it could be all migraine/tension related. But I'm not too sure. I know migraines can be brought about by tension so to me I'd explore the neck side of things and possibly go for the core of the problem :)

I don't know though, I guess they might have thought of that.

Good luck!

20-01-14, 18:45
I am a bit frustrated and fed up really...

Well now I know how you got your screen name ;)

I'm sorry you're dealing with all this. I can sympathize as I have many side effects from my treatment and will have them for life. For you? Talk about a catch 22! The good news here is that your symptoms are obviously being caused by stress and anxiety and that's treatable!

Positive thoughts

20-01-14, 19:03
Luna, I can see where your coming from and asked that question... But I now know I have a difference in my dizziness, I have anxiety dizziness which is a drunk feeling and then I have this vertigo and real thing of feeling ill.. It's the vertigo and feeling ill they think is down to migraines,
my drunk feeling is anxiety as I get this in certain situations like when I go out to eat or I'm in a social situation...
Also a vertigo attack will then lead to a panic attack...
My dizziness isn't as constant as it use to be.

Fishmanpa- indeed I am a rather impatient person so being fed up is common for me!!
I didn't realise you we're left with side effects for life... That's rubbish!!

20-01-14, 22:08
So sorry to hear you're going through this. I get the same symptoms although they don't come at the same time.
Most of my head pains are short, painful, but go away within seconds, although they worsen when I lie down and continues to hurt until I lie a different way. I don't get dizziness with this although every few months a have a week where I feel dizzy, and every few days I'll even get a spurt of dizziness.

Although I am happy to see that what you're going through is caused by stress and anxiety. :)

20-01-14, 22:14
fedup I meant to say to you that the way my balance therapist described it to me is that there are migraines and migraineurs. Migraines are basically a limited event, but migraineurs basically have a kind of chronic migraine where you will always have some level of symptoms that will flare up badly if they're triggered. It is possible to get better though.

I think I gave you a link to a vestibular migraine survival guide before? It's a really good place to start learning about VM, it will explain it all in a more clear way to you.

Oh and remember too that TMJ and jaw issues can be a big migraine trigger. I had thought it was my neck triggering the problem, but actually it turned out to be my jaw and the neck pain was just a part of the migraine. It can take a long time to unravel everything, it's a learning process.

20-01-14, 22:33
Oh and remember too that TMJ and jaw issues can be a big migraine trigger. I had thought it was my neck triggering the problem, but actually it turned out to be my jaw and the neck pain was just a part of the migraine. It can take a long time to unravel everything, it's a learning process.

Thats what happened with me, my jaw caused me a lot of issues that I thought was something more sinister, I grind my teeth during sleep which causes all sorts of aches and pains during the day, it's made my neck quite tense as well due to the muscles all being interconnected. I've had ear problems too.

20-01-14, 22:38
Luna I grind my teeth too and it really triggers my jaw and balance problems, but it took me a long time to figure all of that out so I was an anxious wreck for ages!

If you grind you can get some help from your dentist to stop. Mine gave me a mouthguard which unfortunately made the problem worse, so she's referring me to a TMJ specialist who I hope will be able to help. But often the mouthguard you wear at night will be a cure for the grinding :)

I have noticed that my acid reflux makes the grinding so much worse, so I do my best to keep that problem at bay and it seems to help. And of course anxiety and stress makes acid reflux so much worse lol, it's a long chain of problems that all feed into each other and the bottom line is taking good care of both my body and mind will make me feel best :)

20-01-14, 22:43
Sounds like we are in the same boat!

I've got a guard, it's reduced a lot of my temple aches and cut cheeks but I still feel pretty tense around the whole area, I've been using ibuprofen recently to reduce inflammation which helped a lot.

I'm just still finding it hard to believe this is all caused by a silly joint!

20-01-14, 23:05
Yeah it's weird isn't it! But the jaw muscle is so very strong, it can have a powerful knock on effect on the muscles and nerves in our bodies. Of course anxiety will make grinding a lot worse, so it's important to work on stress management to save ourselves even more grief.