View Full Version : Any advice please, nipple problem

20-01-14, 18:56

I notice some white staining on the inside of my bra, just one side. I squeezed my nipple and some cloudy liquid came out, none out of the other side.
I have gone into complete panic mode, been to the doctors, she checked my breasts and armpits, no apparent problems. So she took a whole host of blood tests, checking for raised prolactin and pituitary gland problems.
She asked me if I had vision problems, strange smells as the gland is in the brain.

I am completely freaking out that I have a tumour or breast cancer. Has anyone else ever suffered this

Thank you


20-01-14, 19:02
I can get liquid out of my breast by squeezing hard enough. (I can get liquid out of anywhere on my body by squeezing hard enough, I suppose.) I think the doctor's just being thorough. When do you hear back on the tests?

20-01-14, 19:38
Oh my goodness this is so normal. I get this as well. My doctor said to be concerned only if it was blood.

20-01-14, 19:42
Thanks for replies, blood results Wednesday. I am worrying as it's only one side, and the discharge came out spontaneously, as I saw staining on my bra. When I squeeze it's like a cloudy colour.

21-01-14, 03:15
I've had this many times. The cloudy colour us the colour it's supposed to be. My left breast does it sometimes and it's funny because when I breast fed my kids that breast always had more milk in it. It's totally normal.

21-01-14, 07:48
Thank you for your replies. To those who have experienced this, did it occur spontaneously or only if you squeezed the nipple.

Guilty w

21-01-14, 11:05
Both I had so much once it stained my shirt I asked the my gyno and he said as long as it's not blood it's normal. Do you have kids? I had this both before and after but it was worse after I gave birth.

21-01-14, 19:24
Yes i do have kids, but youngest is 11

21-01-14, 19:26
Ok so it's totally normal