View Full Version : twitching in neck badly....

20-01-14, 19:36
Hi is it normal when you strain the muscles in your face and your neck that your neck should go into spasm...mine goes mad twitching aswell almost convulsing as my chin cronic id call it horrible

20-01-14, 19:40
Wherever you have muscles they can twitch whe. They are tired they twitch even more. As I just typed this a muscle on my head twitched.

20-01-14, 19:42
Hi is it normal when you strain the muscles in your face and your neck that your neck should go into spasm...mine goes mad twitching aswell almost convulsing as my chin cronic id call it horrible

As wherever I am anxious my neck muscles are the first that take the toll, I really sympathize with you. I know the drill-they become stiff, start cramping, you can't turn your head without screaming in pain, then it starts affecting your face and you experience a variety of very scary and unpleasant symptoms like aching, pressure, pins and needles and so on. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

What I recommend-get a new pillow, I don't know the label but there are some that are specifically designed with people with neck muscle&spine problems and they are not very expensive either. And of course-find anxiety :)

20-01-14, 19:52
Hi thats helpful re the pillow ive not heard of those...however i have no pain atall its just when i tense the mustles in my chin they start twitching & convulsing ...really badly as soon as i stop straining muscles it stops. I have had other twitches allover sometimes more intense than others....but gernerally just there.