View Full Version : Back to my old room?

20-01-14, 23:41
Hellooo everyone,

I need some advice, I moved into my brothers room a couple of months ago because I had a panic attack in my room which totally put me off, not only that. I live in the loft as well so it's not exactly the most convenient if I need help. I also have pretty bad HA at the moment and I'm just scared that if I go back into that room something may happen in my sleep and no one will hear.

Do I go back in?

I dislike staying in my brothers room because I feel like I'm annoying him and taking his personal space.

Thank you :)

21-01-14, 00:05
The longer the leave it the harder it'll be. We always associate panic with certain things, but really your room isn't going to make you any more likely to panic - it's the memories that you associate with it.

How long have you slept in the loft room and how long were you ok? I suspect it's a high percentage of the time you were there. Try to convince your brain of the positives!

21-01-14, 00:13
I only moved into this house like 4-5 months ago, I've been out of the room for the past 3 so yeah.

I just feel sooo alone, scared and helpless up there though, I don't want to end up having too stay in my brothers room either.

ah :l

21-01-14, 14:44
You will get used to it, the brain can get used to anything if you give it time. If you avoid you're room you are reinforcing that there is something wrong with it when there isn't.
Nothing is going to happen to you up there, don't train yourself to avoid it.

21-01-14, 14:50
In hindsight there is nothing wrong with the room, it doesn't harm you, it's how you feel towards it. Maybe a redecoration may be in order to make you feel more comfortable.

21-01-14, 15:00
Thank you for the replies, I agree with the redecoration. it is a little empty up there.

I'm just scared that something could happen and no one will hear :l

21-01-14, 15:05
Bless ya, get some canvasses and create some wall art for your room? My house is full of my masterpieces, get some funny looks from visitors but hey...

21-01-14, 15:10
Yeah the only problem with that is my walls are slanted as my room is in the roof! (it got converted)

Maybe I could just draw/paint straight onto the walls :)

21-01-14, 15:12
Ooh that sounds like fun, now where did I put my paintbrushes lol

21-01-14, 15:14
I changed the light fittings in our place for something much brighter. It really cheered the place up. Nothing worse than gloomy lights!

21-01-14, 15:17
To be honest it feels like the lights are too bright up there. Because of the slanted roof they pretty much face eachother!

21-01-14, 15:25
Get a bedside lamp and not use the main lights?

21-01-14, 15:28
I have one, I've just never used it haha :)

I think I'll try stay up there tonight and see how things go.

21-01-14, 15:34
Good plan:yesyes: You'll do just fine I'm sure :)

21-01-14, 21:35
Go for it! Isometimes find leaving a lamp on can be comforting, and makes you feel less alone.

21-01-14, 21:45
Did exactly same thing, moving from the room I freaked out in.
Affected me very badly.
The other thing I remembered, the day and time it happened, to the minute.
That bothered me for years.

I say play a trick back on your mind.
Redecorate. You're going to create a new room, your sanctuary, what would this super chill out safe place room look like that makes you feel safe and confident ?
Do it.
Thank god for the sanctuary. That's what you'll say when the NEW ROOM is ready.
The old loft rooms gone.

21-01-14, 21:50
Did exactly same thing, moving from the room I freaked out in.
Affected me very badly.
The other thing I remembered, the day and time it happened, to the minute.
That bothered me for years.

I say play a trick back on your mind.
Redecorate. You're going to create a new room, your sanctuary, what would this super chill out safe place room look like that makes you feel safe and confident ?
Do it.
Thank god for the sanctuary. That's what you'll say when the NEW ROOM is ready.
The old loft rooms gone.

Thanks Oosh, I think I may do just that :)

22-01-14, 07:03
How did it go??

22-01-14, 10:11
I didn't do it :(

22-01-14, 11:34
Oh bless ya, never mind. How about going in there for a little while each day to see how you can redecorate, or re organise? No pressure, just potter about in there for a bit.

22-01-14, 11:37
Hmm, I may spend today tidying it a bit, and maybe move a couple of things around, and then see how I feel :)

22-01-14, 11:41
If you can create some good experiences or memories in the space, then when you are feeling down in the same space, remember the good experiences and your brain should release some dopamine... at least that's what my therapist said!

22-01-14, 11:41
Good idea, I think tidying up is very therapeutic, lol I should really practice what I preach :roflmao:

22-01-14, 11:59
If you can put up some pictures or a poster (Ihad a poster of a waterfall) in your room it might be something you can focus on - they make some lovely ones now - that or maybe a sky at night one - whatever you are interested in.....

22-01-14, 12:17
Thank you everyone :)

I have a canvas painting I did a year or two ago but I can't really put it on a wall as they're slanted, but I'm sure I'll figure something out, I may post back later telling you all how it went :)

22-01-14, 12:25
OK have fun :shades:

22-01-14, 13:50
Well it's nice and tidy, I've got some incense going as well but I just had an argument with my mum. I'm not doing to well on making it into a place with good memories!

22-01-14, 13:58
Yay, that's a step in the right direction. Mum's can be very argumentative can't they? I know, I'm like it myself lol. My son is abroad at the moment and I miss our arguments!

22-01-14, 14:02
Hahaha well that's nice of you!