View Full Version : New here, but not new to anxiety and panic.

21-01-14, 05:36
Hi everyone,
I have had depression / anxiety / panic for many many years and over the years various medication has helped me keep it under control.
However since July 2013, the anxiety and panic has been so bad and not controllable.
I am currently decreasing from Prothiaden and going to Effexor on Thursday or Friday. I also meditate, use relaxation techniques and the Facing Floating and Waiting for time to pass method too.
I was on Effexor recently and on a lower dose it seemed to be of some marginal benefit and then soon as it was increased the anxiety went through the roof.
My psych wants me to try it again and only stick to a low dose to see if that makes it better.
I am looking forward to getting to know and read other's stories on panic and anxiety and what was helpful for them.
take care
rosey :)

21-01-14, 16:33
Hi Rosey,


There's lots of information here, and it's really helped me with my panic and anxiety.

There's some good sections and people with experiences of all the different medications too.


21-01-14, 17:27
Hi Rosie, hope you start to feel much better soon. Could you please tell me what facing floating is. x

21-01-14, 17:30
Hi Rosie :welcome: to the forum

21-01-14, 18:59
Hi Rosie & :welcome:You r not along in this. There is a lot of people dealing with this overwhelming anxiety and panic for I am one of them. If you need to talk we are here.

22-01-14, 05:13
Hi All,
Thanks for all your replies.
I dont know how to reply individually, so hope this is ok if i post to you all.
Caroline, Facing and Floating is a Claire Weekes technique, i am not sure if i am allowed to post a link, but if you look her up in google you will find what those words mean. Hope that helps.
Today i am starting ( again) to practise belly breathing, and not shallow breathing like i do when extremely anxious and panicky.
take care

22-01-14, 07:06
Thanks Rosey, I will google that later. I have made some good progress but just feel something is missing and these techniques could be just what I need. :)

25-01-14, 10:00
Thanks Rosey for that information. Will check it out. Always looking for anything to help my anxiety. Thanks again. Hope your belly breathing is helping you. x

28-01-14, 02:58
Yes the belly breathing, helps me to breathe properly and focus on something else besides the adrenalin surges.
Hope you are going ok.

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

Hi Marty,
Hope it is of some help for you !!

28-01-14, 20:09
Thats good to hear the belly breathing is helping you. I think I need to do more of that. Fed up with the physical symptons of anxiety but apart from that Im not doing to bad thanks. Take care x

28-01-14, 20:48
Yes the belly breathing, helps me to breathe properly and focus on something else besides the adrenalin surges.
Hope you are going ok.

---------- Post added at 13:58 ---------- Previous post was at 13:57 ----------

Hi Marty,
Hope it is of some help for you !!

This really is helping. Had an incident today and the breathing helped me just calm it all back down. Disappointed with my setback but I am not sleeping well and I think this leaves me a bit open.