View Full Version : Psychological testing.. Afraid..

21-01-14, 06:01
Okay, this might be a long story but I haven't been on here in a while and have a lot that has gone on that I need help with. This past year has been the hardest year of my life. I have been trying to get help though but here's where I ran into more problems. I used to be/still am a hypochondriac. I would panic constantly about my health since my first panic attack I thought my kidneys were failing and I was dying. So on.. I developed a mental health fear too. About mental diseases like schizophrenia, bipolar, etc. I started seeing this psychiatrist who at first told me I'm the perfect example of a person with severe anxiety and depression. That was about 4 months ago. Now, since my mom joined my therapy because of her concern because when I have panic attacks I text her telling her how I feel and how depressed I am. She typed them up and gave them to him. Because lately.. I get so depressed and I get really bad anxiety and anxiety attack when I'm depressed or have depressed feelings or thoughts.. I don't know if that's normal.. But he started saying that he wants me to be psychologically tested and asking me if I lose touch with reality which is like my biggest fear next to dying, disease, commuting suicide, etc. I don't know.. I'm so confused and afraid.. Help?