View Full Version : worried about cancer!!

21-01-14, 10:04

Im very new to this site and quite new to anxiety I have been suffering for around 6 or 7 months now and need to hear and talk to people that have been through what I am.

Back in june I found a lump in my testicle and had a few doses of antibiotics due to epididymitis I had an ultrasound done in which everything was clear apart from a cyst and 2 hydrocells.

For a while I was happy and content there was nothing going on and then just before Christmas I cut my foot and thought I had tetanus I got over this shortly.

I was prescribed anti anxiety / anti depressants whixh I decided not to take.

Now I noticed a hard lump in my groin which im terrified about I went to tthe doctor who told me it's probably just a lymph node however im terrified that its some kind of cancer in particular testicular that has spread to my lymph nodes I'm really scared!

21-01-14, 11:09
There is no way your doctor would say it's okay if it's not. My son has a lymph node behind his ear that worries me but it's nothing. Doctors know a bad node just by feeling it. Maybe you should try the meds they help me when I'm really bad.

21-01-14, 21:00
Yeah I know what you mean I did try to take the first one but i completely freaked out and had a panic attack

My doctor has ordered a ultrasound to be done on the lump. I said at the time that I was worried about cancer etc which she smiled and shook her head I assume this is a good sign just really hard to tell myself that

22-01-14, 03:57
hey buddy,dont worry!!! i had epididmytis just last year and holy crap did it hurt, i understand. now for the lump i gurantee its a lymhnode...small rubbery and mobile. probly is there due to the infection you just had. i have 6 groin lymphnodes ive had for years seriously dont worry ive been there its very scary but groin lymphnodes are common nothing to worry about.

23-01-14, 14:36
Hey guys

Just an update I have received my scan date through the post and it shows they are going yo ultrasound my groin and testes I had a testes ultrasound before is this standard? Just don't understand because my doctor didnt mention my testes however I did mention I was still worrying about testicular cancer any ideas ?

Also the lump in my groin has been reducing in size over the past few days since ive stopped proding etc
