View Full Version : pain in shoulder when coughing

21-01-14, 10:08
I wonder if anyone can help me. I am a bit worried for my dad.
He says that every time he coughs or sneezes he has a pain in his shoulder.
He claims it is probably rheumatism as his mum had the exact same problem but of course I am thinking the worst. So I search this problem on google (of course!) And lo and behold the first page of links is all about lung cancer (which is a worry as his dad smoked indoors throughout his childhood)
I am just wondering if anyone can give me some calming advice or offer any alternative solutions to what this may be.he said he will go to the doctors at some point, meanwhile I am a nervous wreck!

26-01-14, 18:46

26-01-14, 23:38
It could be so many things and of course Google will say cancer. I a sure it's probably something simple but has he been checked? I am sure there would be many other symptoms. My mum had lung cancer but she had a very distinctive cough xx

26-01-14, 23:52
I actually experience this from time to time. I think it's just muscle strain but now I will think I have lung cancer the next time it happens :) I'm sure your dads is fine. Don't listen to evil dr. Google. He told me I had colon cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, oral cancer, brain cancer, panceratic cancer, nasal cancer, skin cancer, ALS, MS, every pyschiatic disorder and that both my kids have autism. Guess what? None of it was true!

27-01-14, 13:05
Thank you both for taking the time to reply. Saraha, so sorry to her about your mum, that must have been absolutely terrible and I hope she has made a full recovery?

Rose- I didn't even know nasal cancer existed! Yes I have diagnosed myself with everything under the sun and I guess now my parents are getting older I will do the same with them now :( I have to keep reminding myself it is not always going to be the worst case scenario
I am shattered and so scared and not seeing the point in anything!