View Full Version : I am afraid of living

21-01-14, 11:00
Most of my life has been a nightmare, I cant even explain in words how stressful it all has been most of all my parents have been breaking my soul till i cant take it anymore, i am now 27 and as an indian woman you live with parents till marriage i hate it. Every waking second i am afraid and i get so ill. Now i have fears of my retina detaching because i recently hurt my forehead accidentally whle looking for something and ever since then my eye feels weird it is almost like i got hurt on my eye and its like i can feel my retina if it makes sense ,everyday im scared and i think soon i need to see my eye doctor whom ive seen over 3 times last year because of all my fears. I never had eye issues its like ive been cursed to go blind or something :/ i wish i could be happy and not worry about eyes

21-01-14, 12:09
i think you need to see a psychologist. They will help you

21-01-14, 12:20
Melisha, it sounds like you have many stressors in your life right now. Therapy could be a wonderful tool in helping you to deal with your feelings, surrounding your parents and cultural traditions. Find a good therapist and in the meantime, know there are many people here to help you.

21-01-14, 12:42
Honey, as the others have said, and as you already know, it's not your eyes that are the problem.

Ask your doctor if you can be referred for some sort of therapy.