View Full Version : Normal cipralex start up side effects?

21-01-14, 12:19
Hello everyone,
Well after Many months of anxiety that peaked over the Christmas season I finally decided it was time to take something daily to try and manage it. To this point all I had been taking was clonazepam when I was having a bad anxiety day.

My doctor started me on cipralex 5mg 6 days ago now and while I was very anxious about starting the drug I just did it anyways and was surprised to find that it seemed there weren't many side effects. However after 6 days I've noticed a few things that are slightly worrisome/bothersome. I'm also taking .25mg of clonazepam before bed most nights to let me sleep still.

Night one I barely slept at all, I felt wide awake all night. After about two days I noticed an increase in random muscle twitching that has continued since then. Also, I've been getting muscle pains, especially in my shoulders and last night in my neck that feel like a muscle is "locked" or really tense, sometimes they are fairly painful. Finally, just last night I noticed my left leg was really cold for some reason but it seemed like just my left leg. Then I woke up around 4am sweating but again it seemed like just my left leg was sweating although I felt hot all over. This triggered a mild panic attack because it seemed so weird that only my leg seemed to be affected. I also felt nauseous when I woke up.

Is this the type of stuff I can expect, and should not worry about when starting this drug? None of it (other than the weird muscle cramping) is too bad to make me want to quit without giving it a chance but it is enough that it had been worrying me and bringing my anxiety back up again :(

31-01-14, 12:27
All perfectly normal darl...just start up effects that will pass. xxx