View Full Version : a car accident and intrusive thoughts

21-01-14, 12:49
earlier on the way to college I was in a car accident. im quite shaken but what has been more problamatic is my intrusive thoughts. before the accident i kept thinking whag if there is higher power than and what if they hate me and are trying to hurt me? then the accident happened and i really freaked. im better now but i keep thinking now whaft if im going mad thinking some higher powers out to get me? I am quite superstitous with my anxiety like I have intrusie thoughts like if I keep thinking im not gling to die this higher powercwill prove me wrong. i feel so stupid but im so scared of everything! i just want to live my life without thinking some god is out to get me. how would you deal with this intrusive thoughts? thanks x

21-01-14, 21:25
Don't let anxious thoughts get on top ?
Why can't opposing thoughts be on top ?
Fight back with reason and reality or even humour !
Make it a habit.

If there was a higher power why would it bother with something as insignificant as creating a rd accident in a world of 7 billion people. Surely there's something more important going on somewhere.
Sorry but truth is we can all feel sometimes like the world revolves around us but it doesn't. We're all insignificant and life is as simple for us as it is for the cat walking down the garden wall.
We eat, sleep, poo and have certain reward systems for things that aid our survival and get us to reproduce and ensure the survival of the species.
We need food, we need sleep and we need people, because that's what we are.
Always remember that when things get a bit complicated.
Humans are guilty of thinking too much.
Stick with reason and the facts of life and you'll know yourself a lot more.
It's important to have those thoughts that keep you grounded when our imaginations scare us.