View Full Version : Just when I was doing so much better, Lymph nodes creep up on me!

21-01-14, 15:02
Hi all,

I have been doing a lot better recently after nearly 2 years of non stop extreme anxiety I have somewhat learnt to start overcoming it. When it comes to health I usually only worry about the brain and heart and things that can kill me suddenly that I don't have any control over. Things like Lymphoma or cancer never majorly worried me and they still don't that much but I now have swollen lymph nodes in groin and neck and they have been there for months and are not going down. I also have other symptoms like night sweats and fatigue, but that could be anxiety.

I am still staying calm on the issue at the moment but it just feels like I start to get better with my anxiety and now this comes up.

I have been to the doctor who agrees the glands are swollen, I have had blood tests and there is no sign of infection (not a good sign) so no antibiotics or anything is going to make the swelling go down. I am being referred for scans of the lumps and the doc has asked me to go to the sexual health clinic to get tested for STIs and HIV etc while I wait for the scan.

I even posted in someone else's thread a few months ago about how I strangely don't worry about lymph nodes even though I have health anxiety. What an idiot I am, its like I jinxed myself.

If there is no infection then the reason for them being swollen doesn't look good to me. I don't even know why im posting to be honest. Am I looking for a reassurance, I don't know, I don't think I can be reassured anyway, that's never really worked for me and I know things aren't looking good. Just guess I wanted to get it out and tell someone about it and this has been a good place to vent over the years.


21-01-14, 15:14
I think sometimes glands can stay swollen from previous infections. I've had a fixed node under my ear ever since I perforated it.

Normal nodes are between 0.5-2cm but I'm sure your doctor will know this, muscle can make them feel a little bigger too.

I'm sure it'll all turn out okay :)

21-01-14, 15:18

How swollen are they? Have you felt them before and they have not been swollen or is this the first time you have checked?

21-01-14, 15:20
I have swollen glands and no infection. I had an ultrasound of the glands and the doctor says he is not worried but I still am even though I know there are several reasons for glands to stay swollen.
Keep us updated!

21-01-14, 15:28

How swollen are they? Have you felt them before and they have not been swollen or is this the first time you have checked?

I have felt them before and they were not swollen. They were the same as the ones is my left groin, which you can only just feel and are not swollen. The right ones have increased in size over the last few months.

21-01-14, 16:10
What sort or size are you talking about neck as groin?

21-01-14, 18:21
Groin lymph nodes up to 2 cm is normal, it is very common in local infections. not wide ones - which shows on blood test.

21-01-14, 18:35
I have a swollen node under my jaw been there for 3 n half years - caused me a great worry and it was what started my health anxiety off, I have seen 5 doctors who have told me all is normal.. it hasn't grown any bigger so I just have to ignore it. I recently had a very bad sore throat and my glands came up on other side, two weeks on they have got smaller and no longer tender but I can still feel them, doc says they are normal too.. sometimes they swell and never return to their normal size. as long as they are not getting bigger then I don't think they tend to worry, try and be positive. sorry I haven't been of much help just wanted to you to know your not alone in the gland department. x

21-01-14, 21:54
Ive had quite large glands all my life, they are feelable in most places but I know they have always been like that so never worried or had them checked but these
ones in my groin have been increasing in size for a while now and some of them are very hard, although I would still say they are not massive at this point. The one in my neck which has slowly come up more recently is very big, but is soft. So I don't know what to think to be honest. None of them are really tender although they do ache now and then.

It just feels like one thing after another. I try get on with my life, back in the gym doing things I enjoy but instead of me feeling better I am feeling more run down and more weak and no doubt its something to do with these glands.

21-01-14, 23:25
Wow im going through exactly the same at the moment was doing really well then noticed a lump in my groin went to the doctor she said she thinks its a lymph node and has ordered a ultrasound I am obviously really worried but reading around and thinking about it logically I am coming to terms its nothing to worry about :)

Also I dont know if you're the same but since I found it I have been constantly checking it and proding it which has done it no good and can actually cause it to swell etc. My best advice if youre doing that is just leave it alone for 24 hours without checking and you will probably find it will reduce in size :)

Also even in the worst worst case scenario this kind of thing is completely treatable :) but im no medical professional but from what you've said id be pretty confident its nothing to worry about.

Just keep thinking positive and trust the doctors :)

22-01-14, 00:58
Just hang in there, get the tests and go from there. Believe me I know what you're going through when it comes to this. There are many, many things this could be as opposed to something sinister so do your best to maintain a positive attitude and keep the Dragon at bay. Also, do your best and don't poke and prod as it will only aggravate the nodes. They're not too fond of that believe me ;)

Keeping you in positive thoughts!

22-01-14, 20:16
Thanks for the support guys. I guess I just have to wait and see what the tests show. You just feel like your life's on hold until these things are resolved although I shouldn't let it put my life on hold.

23-01-14, 19:52
So went to the sexual health clinic to get checked for STIs, HIV ect while I wait for the scan as my doctor advised. From the results they can give you there and then on the day they found I have non specific urethritis which can be from an STI or can develop on its own. They have given me some antibiotics for this.

I now have to wait for the results of the other tests to see if i have HIV, Hepatitis or any STIs. Obviously I am thinking the worst but also thinking I have not had much sexual activity in the past few months. Only with 1 person in the past 2 months, but before that I have had quite a bit of unprotected sex but mainly with people I know, so just hope I haven't somehow caught something serious along the way. Everything's just running through my head thinking of the worst, you know how it goes.

The infection may be a cause for the swollen groin glands or it may not be.

24-01-14, 08:17
I feel so ill, I was doing well until all this stuff has come up. Now it is getting on top of me. I was actually planning to leave this site after today as I was moving house and wanted it to be a new start with no anxiety rituals or reminders but I feel like I need this site right now as it is one place where you can express how your feeling and be somewhat understood by others.

Im crapping myself about HIV now, after thinking things through it is entirely possible that I have it. Now I am spending all day worrying about getting a call with the results and it can take up to 3 weeks to hear back so me dwelling in this is no good for my anxiety. You just feel you cant continue and relax until you get the results and when you do you can only relax if the results show you don't have the virus.

I really just hope I can get the results and they show I am normal and healthy so I can move on with my life and continue to overcome this anxiety.

16-02-14, 08:57
Just read through this post and this was my sister a year ago, she had swollen lymph nodes in her neck, at the base of her skull and in her groin, they ended up going away on their own even thpigh she was really scared.

Did you get your results back??