View Full Version : terrified of dying

21-01-14, 16:35
Hi everyone
I know im only 17 and I shouldnt be worried about this but I just cant help. My health anxiety is always through the roof im always looking for things wrong with me and my anxious thoughts arent helping. I keep worrying about dying and fearing that im going to drop dead any moment. I just have so many worries what if my brain forgets how to work and i stop breathing? what if i just drop dead? all these anxious thoughts whirl around my head and as I already feel slight detacthed and very anxious this isnt adding to fear of dying. I also get really terrified of seeing omens and stuff and I just feel so scared im constantly scared of dying and facing some horrror after death or whatever. I just cant seem to be calm and get a clear head to look at this. not helping my anxiety is making my chest tight and making me worry even more about breathing. Im gunna be on my own tonight which is making me even more anxious and I just feel so scared. please help

21-01-14, 16:48
Hi Bexx Have you had any counselling to help with this fear?

21-01-14, 16:49
I have been on counseling waiting list for ages and its only recently this has taken over

21-01-14, 16:53
I've had similar fears recently. I've begun reading about mindfulness and it's really helping me.

Hope you manage to conquer your fears. It is possible.


21-01-14, 16:54
You are young and healthy apart from anxiety. You really should be living and enjoying your life. You must try to change the negative thoughts into positive ones. "What if I die?" changes to "What if I don't?" Try not to dwell on the negative thoughts and do something to take your mind of them.
Do you go to college? If you do then most colleges have counselling services for students.

21-01-14, 16:57
Yes Annie I am on college counselling waiting list also :/ have been for months! I usually try to change negatives into positives and I am trying now

21-01-14, 17:46
Ask at student support how much longer you have to wait, while waiting you could try the online course http://ct-online-info.com/wp-login.php?redirect_to=http%3A%2F%2Fct-online-info.com%2F&reauth=1

21-01-14, 17:48
last time I asked they said christmas and then it chained to january but im still waiting :/ i will take a look at that course thank you x

21-01-14, 18:19
I've had many episodes like this. Focused on this thing or that. For one I can tell you that there is no way you can stop breathing. You know how strong and reliable your nervous system is when it comes to automatic functions like breathing? It's perfect. No flaws. I used to have fears about this disease or that, in the end it's just fear of fear. You need to distract as much as you can, not look into symptoms or Google diseases and pull your mind away from those things. In a sense I have also come to peace with the idea that I am already dead, just waiting for the day to come along and it happens, so why struggle so much and worry about it. You need to calm your nerves down. Walk outside, talk some pictures, play with an animal, watch a funny movie, talk to a friend about some fun things, anything but health anxiety stuff. Once you came down, it will go away. Wish you the best.

Hi everyone
I know im only 17 and I shouldnt be worried about this but I just cant help. My health anxiety is always through the roof im always looking for things wrong with me and my anxious thoughts arent helping. I keep worrying about dying and fearing that im going to drop dead any moment. I just have so many worries what if my brain forgets how to work and i stop breathing? what if i just drop dead? all these anxious thoughts whirl around my head and as I already feel slight detacthed and very anxious this isnt adding to fear of dying. I also get really terrified of seeing omens and stuff and I just feel so scared im constantly scared of dying and facing some horrror after death or whatever. I just cant seem to be calm and get a clear head to look at this. not helping my anxiety is making my chest tight and making me worry even more about breathing. Im gunna be on my own tonight which is making me even more anxious and I just feel so scared. please help

21-01-14, 18:21
I am a Palliative Care Nurse. I see death every day, i have lost count of the people i have seen die in the last 8 years. I just know it is the moments before that counts like Annie says. There is nothing to fear but fear itself. I once drove down a beach in Australia drinking Fosters with Bob Marley playing full blast. Thats how life can be.

21-01-14, 19:19
I am also 17 and have this fear.. although this is no consillation, i have seen so many posts by 16,17,18 year olds with exactly the same fear.. I have been told that it is the 'realisation age' where you realise that life has an end.. im told that it gets easier with age if that helpss..!
I hate the thought of dying or being in pain, also the thought of watching my grandparents/parents go through it and knowing i can do absolutely nothing.. i guess we have to hold on to the fact that it is a natrual part of life that cant be changed, everyone goes through it the same as birth! are you religous at all?

21-01-14, 21:30
I totally agree with anxietysufferer. I always worry about death and I'm only 20. It all started with the death of my friends brother who was only 18. I think it is right that you come to a certain point where you realize it.

I worry about brain tumours so I know how you're feeling. Always scared that you're just gonna drop dead. Such a bad way to feel, but so hard not to think it. I bet we're both fine x

21-01-14, 22:42
Thank you all for your replies it means a lot. Im so sorry Jenn what happened? x

---------- Post added at 22:42 ---------- Previous post was at 22:42 ----------

also no i am not religous x

21-01-14, 22:44
You can always be sure that you'll get lots of support on here :) x

He was skateboarding one night and reached down to look at his phone, a car hit him and he died like right on the spot. Going to his viewing and his funeral was what really sparked my anxiety, seeing his family and siblings was the most horrible thing I've ever seen.

But we can't live in fear forever, we need to learn how to overcome this fear because it will not let us live life to the fullest. Wishing you positive thoughts x

21-01-14, 22:48
oh Jenn thats awful :( yeah hopefully we can all both find the strength to accept our anxious thoughts and live our lives to the fullest. thank you x

21-01-14, 22:53
I have had the same fear.... STILL DO, but I have to keep telling myself that nothing is wrong and to take deep breaths. If you dont like the horror of after life dont watch those types of movies. I used to be able to watch them and Now I cant because of my fears about them. Instead anytime I am scared about dying, I watch funny movies, hang out with my friends, etc... Anything that is going to make your mind forget about dying and start laughing. Because as you panic your heart races and makes your blood pressure go up that you could make yourself FAINT. You wont die. If that was the case everyone on here would be dead. Your 17 and you are young and healthy and have a full life a head of you. I have been worrying about dying since I was 16 and I am 25 now. I am losing my life over these panic attacks. So try and start focusing on other things instead of DEATH. Like sports, girls, vacations, school. I hope this helped out somehow.

21-01-14, 23:22
yeah I mean for me I even create incredibly far fetched scenarios to worry about liek I dont know if you saw my post about when I went to the doc and my blood pressure was fine and then i started worrying about whether my worrying would raise my blood pressure and that I would get trapped in a viscious cycle and die from high blood pressure etc you see I just let my imagination take over in a bad way and worry about things that I dont need to :(

21-01-14, 23:28
I am the same way and I have my friends and family telling me to stop over thinking things cause it will make me sick or your brain will get trapped into a anxiety and fear cycle and it will be hard to get out of. Thats why its important to get out of it now or you end up being 33 years old and still going through life with fear. I am seeking help through counseling and sometimes anxiety medication. It helps out a lot it gets my brain to stop for once and really try and analyze what I am thinking I have or why I think I am going to die. But we all have to go through life knowing that eventually we all have to die at some point. It is a scary thought when you think about it long and hard. But I am a christian and I know when its my time to go there is a much better and more beautiful place on the other side. So I am not worried where I will go when I die I am worried that I will die very young. But shouldnt have anything to worry about. You are going to be fine.

You mentioned being alone tonight and it has you freaked out well I say pop in a very funny movie and keep watching funny stuff or hang with your friends and laugh about funny stuff until you can be calm and ok. It works everytime for me I promise.

22-01-14, 09:49
The natural processs is birth - growth - equilibrium - decay - death

Some people die young and others dont. All you can do is live a good life and be kind to those around you, fill your life with love and it will be fulfilling.

Also give yourself every chance at a long healthy life by eating well, no smoking and not much alcohol. The way people poison their bodies is unreal and they wonder then why they get sick.

Time wont wait for you and you cant slow it down either. I am 33 and i only recently reliased that life will end. So now i fill my days with activities. I am up at 6:15 am , go to work and then work out / yoga / support group. If you fill your life up then when the time comes you will be happy enough to check out because you will feel like you have lived.

And i dont mean to go and get pissed every night cos thats not living , thats killing yourself. People that say "you only live once so you should down a load of whiskey are very nieve"

And lastly, if you are lucky enough to get to old age then you will be ok with dying because you wont have an interest in being young as your friends / partner etc will be old also so do yourself a favour and go for a nice long run now while you are young and still can