View Full Version : losing the will

21-01-14, 18:28
The past month has been complete hell for me. What started as some slight numbness inn my left hand has turned into me being bed ridden with chest pains arm pains jaw pains and. Dizziness. Ive seen 10 doctors had 5 blood tests 2 chest x rays around 10 ecgs and all come back normal. Yet my symptoms are so oobviously cardiac related . Dont know where else to tuurn. Seems as if my doctor is just fed up with me know

21-01-14, 19:17
I know I'm probably not the best one to give advice as I am in a pretty bad bout of health anxiety right now. But I think in fact I know you are not doing yourself any favours laying in bed and doing nothing but being alone with your own thoughts

Get up and engage your mind no matter how hard it is on me I still go to work every day and try to stay busy and guess what sometimes the symptoms disappear.

It's is next to nil the chances that all the tests you have had are wrong or missed something. I'm 99.99999% sure you are fine get out of that bed and do something

21-01-14, 19:22
Thanks for the reply. I tried going for a walk yesterday. Must of only made it a quarter mile before I felt as if I was gonna pass out

21-01-14, 19:40
well then that means you made it half a mile total and nothing happened to you good job on that

you need to face this head on and sitting in bed worrying about your "symptoms" is only letting it defeat you plain and simple

how old are you
are you on meds