View Full Version : Anxiety or something serious?!

21-01-14, 19:01
Hi I’m new here and I am just looking for some reassurance.

Over the past few months I've become increasingly worried about my heart. I have been regularly getting chest pains and palpitations and it’s starting to get to the point where I'm scared to even go to sleep in fear that something awful is going to happen. I first went to the doctors about 6 months ago and I had an ECG and 24hr holter monitor done. I was told everything was okay, although there was a slight abnormality (I was not actually told what it was). I tried to just get on with things and convince myself there wasn't anything wrong.

However, recently, I've become completely unable to believe that. I've been getting chest pains again, experienced really scary bouts of palpitations and unexplained tachycardia at times. I had another ECG and blood test done at the doctors and I was told there was nothing wrong and he put it down to anxiety and referred me for therapy and prescribed me propranolol.

So the other night I took propranolol for the first time (and only time!) and had a truly horrible experience. I was trying to sleep but kept getting really slow, powerful palpitations and sharp pains in my chest. I measured my pulse and it was way too low, at only 40bpm. I've never ever noticed my pulse that low before. I'm quite obsessed with checking it, and will normally do so at least 50 times a day. So I ended up going to A&E, where I had an ECG, blood tests and an x-ray. This time the ECG apparently showed a bundle branch block, but I was told it was common in young people. Bloods were fine, x-ray was fine and I was sent home and told nothing was wrong with me.

Now, I'm seriously worried. My heart rate at rest is now around 55bpm, which I've never experienced before. I'm 22 years old, male and I am not athletic whatsoever at the moment. Normally at rest my pulse is 65-70bpm. I haven’t slept at all for last two days because I'm too frightened. In bed my heart rate dipped below the 50s and I felt really uncomfortable. I also don’t know why this “bundle branch block” hasn't been evidenced before. I've googled it and it seems benign but I'm still worried and confused.

I do have a history of depression and anxiety, but I've never had physical symptoms like this before. It’s ruining my life! I can’t sleep, I'm scared to exercise as the pain seems to get worse...i don’t even want to go out because something could go wrong. And to make matters even worse, I'm in my final year of university and this is just completely ruining my studies :weep:

So sorry for the long post.

21-01-14, 19:33
Hi Dan hello and welcome to nmp ,I to get palps pounding heart chest discomort and believe it or not its anxiety ,you need to start believing its nothing more sinister, your doctors checked you, you have had numerous tests ,and I no its hard to accept but anxiety can cause alsorts of horrible symptoms try not to focus on your symptoms cbt will you good luck x

23-01-14, 22:48
So sorry to hear how you are feeling. I have been in the same position - afraid to sleep because I thought I would die in the night. I get thousands of palpitations a day at times - the doctors still say I am fine. The hard bit is accepting it and getting it through your head.

Did you have an xray or an echocardiogram? In an echo they go over your chest with a hand held scanner thing. I am sure you will have seen all the sites that say that palpitations are nearly always benign if you don't have heart disease - which you won't at your age.

Anxiety and stress can cause chest pain and palpitations. My chest gets tight when I am anxious. I have also read that bb block is not a problem. Even with palpitations, hundreds a day are considered within the bounds of normal as long as you have been checked out.

If you look at the All Experts Cardiology forum, you will see that Dr Richardson on there always says that palpitations caused by pvcs are normal heart activity, most people have them, and they are not harmful unless you have a damaged heart, like serious heart disease.

It is normal for your heart rate to drop in bed, but perhaps you could ask if you could take half of one. I had a trip to a and e with very bad palpitations in July - every other beat. The cardiologist said I was fine and when I asked about something to stop them he said I didn't need beta blockers. However, my gp gave me some for the anxiety. I have managed without them so far though.

Self Help for Your Nerves by Dr Claire Weekes is a great book for anxiety sufferers. The Insight Timer app has some great guided meditations to help you relax. Stop Thinking Start Living by Richard Carlson is a good cbt book. I found that working on the anxiety was the best response. Also, no caffeine, alcohol, choc, heavy meals, spicy food etc. as these can all trigger palpitations.

I have wasted several years waiting for a heart attack that has never happened, please don't do the same.