View Full Version : Can't let it go!

21-01-14, 21:05
I am not going to go into details as I have had an ultrasound and been told its just a cyst. All clear, not cancer. But why can't I believe them, why do I think they are wrong. Help me get it into my head. :weep:

21-01-14, 21:25
Awwww poor u sorry to hear this I don't think they would lie to u Hun big hugs xxxxx

21-01-14, 21:38
They wouldn't lie to you - please try to believe them. Because you've spent so long thinking about it it'll some time to calm down about it but you'll get there. I was exactly the same.

21-01-14, 21:40
I think you don't want to believe them and until you do you won't move on from this.

21-01-14, 21:45
I know. Misdiagnosis is my fear. I don't want to pander to my anxiety and go again. That just feeds it. I have done that in the past and I must not do it. I cant give into it.