View Full Version : Relapse

21-01-14, 21:08
Has anyone else been set back by a relapse just when you thought you were over it?

I was great and panic free for 6 years after going through a bad time for a few months back when I was at university. And suddenly out of nowhere last week it came back and it's already ruining everything and taking over. I can't eat, enjoy myself, relax, look forward to anything...I'm just miserable and tired of it already. I think the fact that I was fine 2 weeks ago is what makes it harder to accept.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for, just nice to know if others have suffered an unexpected relapse after managing to get over a panic disorder (or any other mental health issues)

21-01-14, 21:15
it happens, comes out of no where when your not expecting it. normally when it was gone for such a long period you are an ace at dealing with it, check your life style, get to bed on time, talk to the doc if you are on meds about upping them, get out walking at the same time every day, find some new support groups

routine routine , routine

this is a blip which is telling you to be heatlhyer ,some people dont get a break from anxiety at all, its gone before it will go again, eating is the first thing that goes with anxiety, your body is just scanning itself looking for problems to worry youss

make some changes

21-01-14, 22:03
Thanks for your reply Tommy.

It's sounds better the way you describe it as a blip, rather than how I call it a relapse. I hope you're right and I hope I can get better again.

I'm finding it hard to decide what to change as I really don't know what has caused this. I lead a healthy lifestyle already and if anything the blip has caused me to be less healthy..

21-01-14, 22:20
It's important you let it go and never think of it again.

You remembered that's all. Used an old neural pathway.
But you were well because you'd forgotten.

You remembered, now forget again.

You've beaten it now. You never give it enough airtime to survive. It doesn't stand a chance.

21-01-14, 22:32
I'm finding it hard to let go of though and am already suffering panic symptoms all day and feeling frightened and nervous..

22-01-14, 22:38
I'm finding it hard to let go of though and am already suffering panic symptoms all day and feeling frightened and nervous..

Are you on any meds? if the anxiety is constant it can be extremely hard to cure it without meds? I went on effexor and they changed my life after trying to beat the anxiety for 5 years with just cbt

even this time around i went down to the doc and got a week of valium to give me some rest bite when i cant handle the anxiety all day long

Cú Chulainn
22-01-14, 23:03
Hi There

It's definitely a Blip..
Just ignore and keep concentrating on your life..
It will pass in a week or so may sooner
In a few weeks if you are still feeling the same contact your GP
about being put on Medication or upping your dose.
Asking for help doesn't mean you've relapsed just that you need a bit of help overcoming it again.
Youve done it before you'll do it again
Also as I say it might never get that far but just if it does ask for help.
Btw Congratulations eing panic free for 6 years.
That quite an achievement.

Hope this Helps.